In response to feedback from the university community and to better support student recruitment activities, DOE-NE is advancing its University Program application deadlines to better correlate with student recruiting timeframes.
Accordingly, the FY 2024 CINR and University Program-related webinar will now be held on May 31, 2023. This webinar will address the following topics:
- Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research FOA, including plan for conducting subsequent “office hours" to review associated draft project work scopes
- Phase II Continuation FOA for CINR Projects
- University Program Infrastructure FOAs
- Distinguished Early Career Program FOA
- University Nuclear Leadership Program Opportunities
- Nuclear Science User Facilities Access Opportunities
- Experimental Capabilities Under Development to support university projects
As noted above, specific topic areas for the FY 2024 CINR Research FOA will be discussed during subsequent NE CINR 'Office Hours', schedule TBD.
A registration link and webinar schedule will be available on May 22.