

Innovations Student Competition Webinar Series: Part 1

December 8, 2023

​Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) in partnership with American Nuclear Society (ANS) is happy to announce the Innovations Student Competition Webinar Series. This webinar series features student awardees of the Innovations in Nuclear Energy Research & Development Student Competition (INSC). The INSC award provides students with the opportunity to present their published work to the nuclear energy community.

Part 1 of this series includes Claire Griesbach from the University of Wisconsin-Madison who will present “Microstructural heterogeneity of the buffer layer of TRISO nuclear fuel particles" and Kyle Quillin from the University of Wisconsin-Madison who will present “Microstructural and nanomechanical studies of PVD Cr coatings on SiC for LWR fuel cladding applications".

Please come to support these students and learn more about their award-winning work on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Register for this webinar here, and click here to learn more about the INSC Award
