

Office of Nuclear Energy Releases FY 2025 CINR, Phase II Continuation, DECP, and Infrastructure Funding Opportunity Announcements

May 20, 2024

The Office of Nuclear Energy has released the FY 2025 Funding Opportunity Announcements for Continuation Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research (CINR) Phase II Continuation CINR, Distinguished Early Career Program (DECP), and Scientific Infrastructure.

Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research FOA (DE-FOA-0003309) Amend 01

Phase II Continuation CINR (DE-FOA-0003310)

Distinguished Early Career Program (DE-FOA-00003311) 

Scientific Infrastructure for the Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research FOA (DE-FOA-0003312) Amend 01

Submit an Application

FY 2025 Upcoming Submission Deadlines
All deadlines at 5:00 PM ET


NSUF Letter of Intent: June 5, 2024
Pre-Applications Due: June 26, 2024
Full Applications and IRPs: November 13, 2024

Phase II Continuation

Letter of Intent: June 5, 2024
Full Applications Due: October 2, 2024

Distinguished Early Career

Applications Due: August 6, 2024

Scientific Infrastructure Support 

Applications Due: July 17, 2024
​Additional Resources
