Open Competition
Stephen Taller
Multiple Ion Beam Irradiation for the Study of Radiation Damage in Materials
Kelsa Benensky
Advanced Fuel Forms for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Applications
April Novak
Pronghorn: A Porous Media Thermal-Hydraulics Core Simulator and its Validation with the SANA Experiments
Nolan Goth
Time-Resolved PIV/PTV Measurements on Interior Subchannels of a Wire-Wrapped 61-pin Hexagonal Fuel Bundle
Brandon Chrisholm
Preliminary Risk Assessment of Generalized Molten Salt Reactor Off-Gas System
James Richards
Assessing the Impact of Nuclear Retirements on the US Power Sector
Steven Czyz
A Prototype Detection System for Atmospheric Monitoring of Xenon Radioisotopes
Taylor Ochs
Wearable Detector Device Utilizing Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector Technology
Riki Drout
Efficient Capture of Perrhenate and Pertechnetate by a Mesoporous Zr Metal-Organic Framework and Examination of Anion Binding Motifs
Rosendo Borjas Nevarez
Zirconium Tetrachloride Revisited
Kathryn Peruski
Mobility of Aqueous and Colloidal Neptunium Species in Field Lysimeter Experiments
Kurt Dominesey
Preliminary Integration of MCNP6 and PROTEUS into the NEAMS Workbench
Ezra Coughlin
Neodymium(III) Complexes Capable of Multi-Electron Redox Chemistry
Jennifer Wacker
Uranium(IV) Chloride Complexes: UCl62- and an Unprecedented U(H2O)4Cl4 Structural Unit
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 2016 Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures
Daniel Rutstrom
Investigating New Activators for Small-Bandgap LaX3 (X=Br,I) Scintillators
Eric O'Quinn
Inversion in Mg1-xNixAl2O4 Spinel: New Insight into Local Structure
Hunter Andrews
Development of an Experimental Routine for Electrochemical and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Composition Measurements of LiCl-KCI Eutectic Salts
Htoo Paing
Conceptual Demonstration of Ambient Desorption-Optical Emission Spectroscopy Using a Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Microplasma Source
Silvina Di Pietro
Ammonia Gas Treatment for Uranium Immobilization at DOE Hanford Site
Undergraduate Competition
Frances Zengotita
The Role of Chromohalobacter on Transport of Lanthanides and Cesium n the Dolomite Mineral System
Gavin Ridley
Introduction to Moltres: An Application for Simulation of Moten Salt Reactors
Justin Bresson
Half-life Estimation by Statistical Sampling
Stephen King
Pressure Drop Measurements in a Versatile Experimental Facility of Packed Spheres