Open Competition
Elizabeth Getto
Effect of Irradiation Mode on the Microstructure of Self-Ion Irradiated Ferritic-Martensitic Alloys
Michael Reichenberger
Advances in the Development and Testing of Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors
Marc Paff
Organic Liquid Scintillation Detectors for ON-The-Fly Neutron/Gamma Alarming and Radionuclide Identification in A Pedestrian Radiation Portal Monitor
Marc Ruch
Pulse Shape Discrimination Performance of Stilbene Coupled to Low-Noise Silicon Photomultipliers
Marek Piechowicz
Form Development, University of Chicago Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of a Bifunctional Chelator with Ultrahigh Capacity for Uranium Uptake from Seawater Stimulant
Charles Cao
Form Development, Rutgers University A Novel Approach towards Synthesis of Apatite Based Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of Radioactive Iodine (129I)
Daniel Mast
Equation of State for Technetium from X-Ray Diffraction and First-Principle Calculations
Jaron Senecal
A Modified Tightly Couple Method for Reactor Transient Simulations
Rachel Pope
Evaluation of Bentonite Engineered Barrier Performance Under Repository Conditions: Diffusion of Np(V) Through Montmorillonite
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 2014 Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures
Bradley Childs
The Nature of the Volatile Ternetium Species Formed During Vitrification of Borosilicate Glass
John Kiernicki
Reductive Silylation of Cp*UO2(MesPDIMe) Promoted by Lewis Bases
Mario Gonzalez
Application of a One-Dimensional Transient Electrorefiner Model to Predict Partitioning of Plutonium from Curium in a Pyrochemical Spent Fuel Treatment Process
Michael Servis
A Molecular Dynamics Study of Tributyl Phosphate and Diamyl Amyl Phosphonate Self-Aggregation in Dodecane and Octane
Nicholas Luciano
Modeling and Simulation of an Operational VVER-1000 Benchmark with NESTLE
Undergraduate Competition
Hunter Andrews
Measurement and Analysis of Exchange Current Density of Lanthanides in LiCl-KCI Eutectic Salt
Hi Vo
Small-Scale Mechanical Testing on Proton Beam-Irradiated 304 SS From Room Temperature to Reactor Operation Temperature
Jason Becker
A Comparative Study of Single-pulse and Double-pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy with Uranium-containing Samples