University Reactor Sharing and Outreach Program
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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Reactor Sharing and Outreach Program Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) offers approximately $1 million to U.S. colleges and universities with existing nuclear research reactors that are interested in sharing resources and facilities with other U.S. colleges, tribal colleges, universities, technical and vocational institutions, and K-12 schools that currently do not have access to research reactors to promote nuclear energy curriculum and instruction.
DOE anticipates making up to five awards worth $200,000 each and plans to announce the awards in May 2025.
Please read the FOA here.
Who Can Apply?
Colleges and universities with existing nuclear reactors.
When does this program open for applications?
Applications were due Oct. 16, 2024.
How to apply?
Login or create an account at to submit an application.
*Actual project funding will be established during the award negotiation phase
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