Infrastructure Revitalization Funded Projects

Projects by Year

​​​​​​​​​​FY 2024 Infrastructure Revitalization Awards

The Department of Energy is awarding universities to improve university nuclear research reactors. University Nuclear Research Infrastructure Revitalization awards Purdue University $6 million to support the revitalization of university nuclear facilities and equipment at three universities through a consortium to enhance university-led nuclear R&D.

Infrastructure ​Revitalization award recipients are listed below. ​

TitleLead UniversityFunding AmountProject DescriptionAbstract
​A Consortium for Strategic Revitalization of Cyber-Physical Nuclear Infrastructure for Advanced Small Modular Reactors​​Purdue University$6,000,000Project represents a collaborative effort to revitalize and enhance nuclear research infrastructure, leveraging a holistic consortia model that includes a blend of universities, national laboratories, community colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and industry partners. With a total budget of $6 million, the initiative aims to upgrade and establish cutting-edge cyber-physical capabilities for Small Modular Reactor (SMR) and Advanced Reactor (AR) technologies across participating institutions of Purdue, MIT, and North Carolina State University. DocumentFY2024
NEUP – Nuclear Energy University Program