Infrastructure Funded Projects

TitleInstitutionAmountProject DescriptionDocumentProject Type
Arizona State UniversityElectron microscopy and material handling equipment upgrades for 3-D characterization of microstructure in surrogate fuel materials with depleted uraniumFY2009
Boise State UniversityIon slicer for transmission electron microscopy sample preparation of nuclear materialsFY2009
City College of New YorkEnhancement of the capability of reactor thermal-hydraulics and Safety Research LaboratoryFY2009
Idaho State UniversityInfrastructure support for analytical and health physics laboratory instrumentationFY2009
Kansas State UniversityReactor backup power supply, neutron survey meter, replacement control rod, and dosimetry equipmentFY2009
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCore loop H2/O2, laser flash thermal diffusivity instrument, video camera, and viscometerFY2009
Monmouth CollegeEnhancement of nuclear science education through purchase of new sources and detectors for nuclear physics coursesFY2009
North Carolina State UniversityIntense pulsed neutron source and gamma monitoring system to be integrated into the Reactor User FacilityFY2009
Oregon State UniversityRaman spectrometer, microscope, neutron imaging system, and neutron depth profiling system to provide improved analysis capability<FY2009
Purdue UniversityLaser, filters, spectrograph, gas cell, ion source, and sputter stationFY2009
Rennesslaer Polytechnic InstituteElectronic equipment to support neutron measurements, gamma spectroscopy, and dosimetry in teaching and research laboratoriesFY2009
South Carolina State UniversityHigh-purity germanium detector and a multi-channel analyzer to complete development of an advanced undergraduate radiochemistry laboratoryFY2009
Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M UniversityFlow visualization laboratory to promote research in advanced reactor designsFY2009
University of California, BerkeleyNuclear physics instrumentation and radiation detection equipment for nuclear physics and reactor safety teaching and researchFY2009
University of California,IrvineCounting equipment, a centrifugal contactor, and a particle size analyzer to develop the education and R&D programsFY2009
University of Colorado, BoulderTG-DSC/DTA for use in NE materials science related researchFY2009
University of FloridaEstablish a fully digital control system for UFTRFY2009
University of IdahoEstablish medium-to-higher temperature material characterization capabilityFY2009
University of MarylandUV/VIS, a gamma system, and a neutron generator to expand and enhance nuclear related labsFY2009
University of MichiganAlpha/beta/gamma/neutron counting and spectrscopy equipment; euipment for use at ATR user facility to enhance teaching and research capabilitiesFY2009
University of Nevada, Las VegasPhysical property measurement system and system upgrade for D8 Advance XRD for NE fuels researchFY2009
University of Nevada, RenoEstablish friction stir welding/processing facilityFY2009
University of New MexicoElectronics/counting equipment for teaching labFY2009
University of Texas at AustinTwo new gamma spec systems to expand research and teaching capabilitiesFY2009
University of Texas, ArlingtonEstablishment of Radiation Measurement Applications LaboratoryFY2009
University of Wisconsin, MadisonSEM and neutron imaging equipment to facilitate researchFY2009
Utah State UniversityTMC Tunnel, PIV camera, heater plate models to support transient mixed convection facilityFY2009
North Carolina State UniversityUpgrade of the Power of the PULSTAR Reactor from 1-MWth in Support of Nuclear Engineering Education and Research _Major Reactor UpgradesFY2010
University of Missouri, ColumbiaUpgrade of the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) Cooling Tower CellsMajor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyInfrastructure Upgrade to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Reactor (MITR) in Support of In-Core Materials Irradiations, Radiation Detection, and Operational SafetyMajor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Texas A&M, Texas Engineering Experiment StationCooling Tower Replacement, Replacement of the Nuclear Science Center Fire Alarm System, Whole Body Exit Monitor, Airborne Material Control, Facility Air Monitoring SystemMajor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Colorado School of MinesHigh Resolution Digital Neutron Imaging and Computed Neutron Tomography _Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Idaho State UniversityIdaho State University Nuclear Energy University Program Reactor UpgradeMinor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Kansas State UniversityEducational and Research Infrastructure Enhancement at the Kansas State University Reactor _Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Missouri University of Science and TechnologyAn Active Heat Removal System for Continuous Operation of the Missouri University Science and Technology Reactor (MSTR)Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
University of New MexicoUniversity of New Mexico AGN-201M Equipment Upgrades _Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
The Ohio State UniversityUpgrade the Ohio State University Research Reactor Heat Removal System and to Construct a Cryogenic Irradiation Facility_Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteUpgrading the Walthousen Reactor Critical Facility (RCF) to a Modern Nuclear Reactor Laboratory_Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
University of California, IrvineEquipment Upgrades for Safety and ResearchMinor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
University of Massachusetts, LowellReactor Equipment UpgradeMinor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
University of Texas, AustinReactor Upgrades of Nuclear Engineering Teaching LaboratoryMinor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
University of Wisconsin, MadisonNuclear Reactor Infrastructure Upgrade: Prompt Gamma Ray Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) System Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2010
Alcorn State UniversityEnhancing the Learning Experience of Health Physics Students Through Training and PracticeGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Boise State UniversityAcquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for Microstructural and Chemical Analysis of Nuclear MaterialsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Colorado School of MinesSub-micrometer Scale Tomographic Examination of Activated MaterialsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Columbia Basin CollegeRadiological Protection Technology Equipment Acquisition ProgramGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Drexel UniversityInstrumentation for Research and Education in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Materials Science: Quantifying Radiation Damage and Detection in Reactor Materials_General Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Georgia TechRadiation Detection and Nuclear Materials Equipment to Enhance Education and Research in Nuclear and Radiological EngineeringGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Illinois Institute of TechnologyStress-Strain Measurements Using Illinois Institute of Technology Beamlines with a Two-Dimensional, X-ray Area Detector Coupled to Both Radioactive and Non-Radioactive Tensile Stages_General Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyGeneral Scientific Infrastructure Application of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Missouri University of Science and TechnologyNuclear Infrastructure Upgrade to Enhance Research and Teaching Capabilities General Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
North Carolina State UniversityDual Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) System for Densification and Interface Modification of Nuclear Fuel Coatings and Innovative Energy-Related MaterialsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Oregon State UniversityReinvestment in Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Sciences EducationGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteNew Research and Development and Teaching Laboratory ExperimentsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
South Dakota State UniversityNuclear Counting Infrastructure for the Nuclear Laboratory at South Dakota State UniversityGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Syracuse UniversityEquipment for Broad Based Nuclear Engineering Track ProgramGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Texas A&M, Texas Engineering Experiment StationInfrastructure Enhancement Via Optical, Ultrasonic and Thermal Imaging EquipmentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of AlabamaInfrastructure for an Actinide Chemistry Laboratory for Research and Education Emphasizing Safety, Crystallography, and Spectroscopy/ElectrochemistryGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of California, BerkeleyDepartment of Nuclear Engineering Infrastructure Upgrade Request: Materials Property Characterization and Advanced Scientific ComputingGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of ColoradoMaterials Thermophysical Properties Analysis and Characterization for Nuclear Engineering General Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of FloridaMulti-User Thermophysical Characterization System for Nuclear Energy University Program Research, Training, and EducationGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of IdahoRequest to Enhance Experimental and Computational Capabilities to Support Nuclear Energy Research and DevelopmentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of MichiganNew Laboratory for Research and Teaching in Nuclear NonproliferationGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of MissouriSupport and Enhancement of Capabilities in Fission Product Transport Education and ResearchGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of Nevada, RenoInfrastructure Support for Electron Microscopic Facility for Characterization of Irradiated Materials and Collaborative Research in Advanced Nuclear MaterialsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of New MexicoUniversity of New Mexico Nuclear Engineering Infrastructure ProposalGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of Rhode IslandNuclear Radiation Measurements LaboratoryGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of South CarolinaAdvanced Nuclear Materials Laboratory EnhancementsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of TennesseeThe Nuclear Engineering Department at University of Tennessee will Utilize the Infrastructure Funds to Expand and Revitalize its Laboratories Used for Course Instruction and Faculty-Led Research _General Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of Wisconsin, MadisonAdvanced Nuclear Technology Development InfrastructureGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Utah State UniversityThermophysical Property Determination at Microscale for Nuclear MaterialsGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Washington State UniversityProposal to Fund the Purchase of a Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer for the Washington State University Radiochemistry ProgramGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
Wilberforce UniversityGeneral Scientific Infrastructure Support for Nuclear Engineering at Wilberforce University and Central State UniversityGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2010
University of Massachusetts, Lowell$678,300 Researchers will use $678,300 to replace equipment to monitor reactor power levels as well as radiation detectors to assess emissions for NRC and EPA regulatory compliance.Major Reactor UpgradesFY2011
University of Wisconsin$149,268 Researchers at the University of Wisconsin will use $149,268 in grant money to purchase water purification equipment to facilitate the replacement of an existing steam system in order to reduce maintenance costs and increase reactor availability, modernize water level sensing and control equipment, upgrade reactor instrumentation and control modules, and improve radiation monitoring systems.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2011
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$147,950 MIT will provide nearly $50,000 of funds in addition to $147,950 of federal funds to replace the detectors that are used in the MIT Research Reactor nuclear safety system. These detectors will improve safety as well as the operational reliability of the reactor.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2011
The Ohio State University$150,000 The Ohio State University will use $150,000 of federal funds to enhance safety systems of their research reactor. The upgrades will help ensure the long-term viability of the reactor and facility.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2011
Missouri University of Science and Technology$200,000 Researchers and staff will use $200,000 of federal funds and $50,000 of matching funds to implement an internet-driven distance learning program to enhance outreach efforts and make the reactor available to other institutions of higher education as well as provide real-time remote tours to high school students. The project is a collaborative effort with the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and Tuskegee University.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2011
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center$150,000 Researchers will use $150,000 to upgrade the instrumentation and control systems of the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center reactor.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2011
Clemson University$170,585 Researchers at Clemson University will use $170,585 of federal funds to develop new analytical capabilities to measure fundamental heat flow properties to support advanced fuel cycle chemistry. This information is important in the study of storage and disposition for reactor fuel.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
University of Illinois$125,000 Grant money will be used to upgrade materials testing equipment to study aging of nuclear fuel cladding under extreme environment conditions. The equipment will support the research and education missions of the Department of Energy. Federal funding is $125,000.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
University of Michigan$300,000 This project upgrades equipment to conduct radiation damage studies of materials to enhance design of new materials as well as predict limitations of existing materials. Federal funding of $300,000 will be augmented by $600,000 of cost match.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
Lakeshore Technical College$147,300 Lakeshore Technical College will use $147,300 of federal funds to purchase laboratory equipment necessary to provide instruction in established competencies designed to ensure the quality of the entry level workforce and support the transition of knowledge from near retirement workforce to the next generation of Nuclear Technicians.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
The Ohio State University$196,680 The Ohio State University will use $196,680 of federal funds in addition to $50,000 of cost match to develop new neutron detection techniques, develop a nuclear power plant simulator, and optical fiber performance characterization under intense reactor irradiation at high temperature conditions.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
University of Utah$197,777 Researchers at the University of Utah will use $197,777 of federal funding to purchase laboratory equipment to provide higher quality hands-on education and training for aspiring nuclear engineers, scientists, and policy-makers in graduate and undergraduate studies.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
Colorado School of Mines$64,738 The Colorado School of Mines will use $64,738 of federal funds to upgrade a transmission electron microscope with a digital imaging system for the Nuclear Science and Engineering Laboratory.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute$200,000 Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will use $200,000 of federal funds to purchase equipment and instrumentation to aid in the fabrication and design of new nuclear materials, and purchase computing workstations to support advanced scientific computing in nuclear engineering.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
University of Nevada, Reno$298,129 The university will use grant money to establish a materials testing and evaluation facility at the University of Nevada, Reno. This nearly $300,000 award will be augmented by almost $50,000 in cost share funds from the university.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
Midlands Technical College$123,000 Midlands Technical College will use $123,000 to provide equipment for student education in nuclear operations and nuclear chemistry.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2011
Purdue University$1,276,812 Purdue University will replace its existing Instrumentation and Control systems with modern, solid-state technology that will reduce unscheduled maintenance downtime, increase the availability and improve the safety of the reactor for use in its education, training, and research mission.Major Reactor UpgradesFY2012
University of Wisconsin, Madison$433,082 University of Wisconsin-Madison will refinish its existing hot cell and install the infrastructure necessary for sample preparation and testing and relocate the existing CLIM facility within the UWNR and take advantage of an integrated radiation monitoring system.Major Reactor UpgradesFY2012
University of Utah$24,000 University of Utah will upgrade and improve its TRIGA (UUTR) facilities including its fuel handling tool. The tool, which is used for research, services, and training of students, will be used for a variety of experiments including control rod worth measurement, thermal power calibration, neutron activation and critical fuel loading.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
Washington State University$143,945 Washington State University will acquire three pieces of equipment including a NLW Wide Range log-power Channel, NPP-1000 Pulse Power Channel, and a radiation-tolerant underwater camera.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
Oregon State University$62,244 Oregon State University will provide over $23,000 in cost share to upgrade and automate the pneumatic transfer system serving their 1 MW Mark II TRIGA reactor.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
Kansas State University$136,470 Kansas State University will replace its control rod drive mechanisms and airborne radioactivity monitoring system. The old equipment will be used as a backup system improving the reliability of the Kansas State TRIGA reactor.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
University of Florida$167,412 The University of Florida will purchase a Canberra CAM110G Series Continuous Air Monitor for online Ar-41 effluent monitoring. The new air monitoring system will allow significant upgrades to allow relicensing of the facility by the NRC and improve the uptime availability of the reactor for training of student and research activities. University of Florida will cost share and additional $17,000.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
University of Missouri-Columbia$149,951 University of Missouri, Columbia will provide over $16,000 in cost share to acquire a new NI system drawer and associated amplifiers and replacement components.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
University of New Mexico$50,000 The University of New Mexico will complete a system update including a new computer data acquisition card, associated electronics, and a physical test stand. The new equipment will improve reliability of the newly* relicensed reactor.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
North Carolina State University$123,840 North Carolina State University will develop a modern digital image plate system that will establish a high resolution digital neutron imaging capability at the NCSU PULSTAR reactor.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
Colorado School of Mines$148,667 The Colorado School of Mines will add several modular filters, provide additional neutron detection and measurement equipment, and obtain image conversion foils needed to conduct film-based neutron radiography.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute$150,000 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will upgrade its Walthousen Reactor Critical Facility to extend the experimental and operational capabilities of the facility for teaching and training students, conducting research, and performing subcritical experiments in support of generating bench mark data.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2012
Washington State University$90,608 Washington State University will add new instrumentation to an existing suite of equipment supporting radioactive materials research. The equipment focuses on lanthanide and actinide metal ions to support research into future fuel cycles that support actinide transmutation.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
The Curators of the University of Missouri Science & Technology$300,000 Missouri University of Science and Technology will add three workstations for spectroscopy of alpha particle, beta particle and gamma ray, neutron measurement, and x-ray exposure measurement. Funds will also be used for a facility upgrade for distance education. Missouri S&T will provide an additional $50,000 in cost share.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University$224,935 Virginia Tech will establish a laboratory for research and education in the area of radiation measurement, simulation and visualization. Equipment purchases include basic sets of radiation detection instruments and sources along with a computer cluster and displays to provide particle transport measurement, simulation and visualization. Virginia Tech will cost share an additional $25,000.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Georgia Tech Research Corporation$250,000 Georgia Tech will enhance the capabilities of its Radiological Science and Engineering Laboratory by upgrading an existing neutron generator as well as adding a mass spectrometer gas analysis unit and a thermal evaporator system for neutron detector research and development.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Alcorn State University$226,420 Alcorn State University will upgrade its existing basic level nuclear instrumentation laboratory and expand its radiation research laboratory for its Health Physics program. Funds will be used to purchase a high purity germanium detector (HP Ge), an alpha spectrometer, vacuum pump, cables, NaI detectors, GM tubes, radioactive supplies, and laboratory supplies.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Oregon State University$183,158 Oregon State University will build a calorimetric and thermogravimetric analytical (TGA) instrumentation capability. Also, they will acquire a Nano Isothermal Titration Calorimeter and Thermogravimetric Analyzer.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Virginia Commonwealth University$199,256 Virginia Commonwealth University will build educational and research infrastructure for its new nuclear engineering program. The funds will be used to enhance the instrumentation available at VCU's radiation detection and measurement laboratories and to acquire nuclear materials testing instrumentation.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Colorado State University$260,000 Colorado State University's Health Physics program will update instrumentation to reflect current equipment used by industry and utilize measurement equipment to perform research in forensic identification of radioactive materials, detection of sources, and environmental effect of nuclear reactor effluents. Colorado State will provide a cost share of $10,000.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
University of Pittsburgh$300,000 University of Pittsburgh will cost share $50,000 to purchase detectors, instrumentation, and sources to establish and equip a new Radiation Detection and Measurement Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
University of Texas at Austin$232,453 The University of Texas at Austin will implement a dedicated low-level background gamma-ray counting Compton suppression system for teaching and research of nuclear engineering students. University of Texas at Austin will cost share $50,000 for a full dedicated low-level gamma facility that will be used for counting times between 12-24 hours to perform measurements in low level gamma-ray studies in nuclear forensics, radiochemistry, fission product experiments, and nonproliferation.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Illinois Institute of Technology$300,000 The Illinois Institute of Technology will provide $200,000 cost share to acquire an Electron detector and the supporting Vacuum equipment used to better understand damage mechanisms due to heavy ion irradiations in both fuels and structural materials.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2012
Pennsylvania State University$1,362,253 Pennsylvania State University will build and install new capabilities including five neutron beam ports, a core-moderator assembly, reactor core upper and lower grid plates, safety plates, and a new reactor tower structure. The new beam ports will be geometrically aligned with the core-moderator assembly for optimal neutron output at experimental positions.Major Reactor UpgradesFY2013
Texas A&M University$963,000 Texas A&M University will implement vital upgrades to its heat exchanger, facility air monitors, demineralizer system, and area radiation monitors, including upgrades to several pieces of equipment increasing the availability and maintaining critical systems used in its training, education, and research missions.Major Reactor UpgradesFY2013
Colorado School of Mines$38,528 Colorado School of Mines will reconfigure its control room to allow better student access to the reactor console. The new configuration will allow more students to directly view the reactor console. A two-way audio/video link between the control room, the counting room, and the classroom will also be added allowing for a broadcast to the classroom of reactor activities.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2013
Kansas State University$60,035 Kansas State University will replace its primary coolant pump and secondary coolant expansion tank to improve flow rate and increase heat transfer, allowing the reactor to maintain higher power levels. A new water radiation monitor and remote display will also be installed in the primary coolant water sample to allow early detection of fission products released from the reactor fuel.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2013
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$153,644 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology will provide $3,644 in cost share to install a gaseous tritium detector, wide-range neutron monitor, and an improved safety system display unit for use in research on advanced materials. The improvements will monitor the reactor's experiments involving potential salt reactor coolants and augment shielding against electronic noise.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2013
North Carolina State University$200,000 North Carolina State University will provide $50,000 in cost share to develop a high brightness positron spectrometry capability. The upgrade will be based on a second generation platinum multi-stage positron converter/moderator that will significantly improve the performance of their intense positron beam facility in nondestructive examination techniques.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2013
University of Missouri, Columbia$200,000 The University of Missouri, Columbia will provide $50,000 in cost share to upgrade its existing High Resolution Gamma Ray Spectroscopy system with modern data acquisition and management functionality. The upgrade will support a number of facility operations essential for reactor operations. High Purity Germanium (HPGe) and Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA) detectors will also replace aging detectors.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2013
University of Texas, Austin$187,682 The University of Texas at Austin will provide $37,682 in cost share to upgrade its in-core neutron detector instrumentation. The upgrade will include a wide range neutron flux channel and self-powered neutron detectors for monitoring the flux in experimental locations and associated electronics. This will reduce electronic noise, allowing for the reactor to operate closer to its licensed power level.Minor Reactor UpgradesFY2013
Aiken Technical College$95,000 Aiken Technical College will acquire specialized training equipment for the full implementation of its nuclear welding technology program. The funds will be used to acquire an orbital welder and Bevelmaster beveling machine used to produce high quality weld preparations and joints required for nuclear power industry training.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
North Carolina State University$325,000 North Carolina State University will provide $75,000 in cost share to install a positron microprobe for nano-phase positron annihilation spectrometry at its Positron Beam Laboratory. The spectrometer system will have a micron-sized positron beam spot on target with depth-profiling capability, and unprecedented positron intensity for nano-void and vacancy characterization of novel materials.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
University of California, Berkeley$242,179 The University of California, Berkeley will purchase a high temperature furnace. The furnace can be heated to 1400C, covering a range important to test the performance of conventional as well as advanced materials. This upgrade will compliment previous infrastructure improvements which allow for state-of the-art techniques in nuclear materials research.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign$150,963 The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will upgrade its Nuclear Fuel Cladding and Structural Materials Analysis Laboratory. The equipment which includes an electrolytical polisher for bulk materials, Perchloric acid laboratory hood, nuclear glove box and electrolytical polisher for transmission electron microscope specimens, will be used for investigating material performance in a variety of extreme conditions.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
University of Tennessee, Knoxville$274,750 The University of Tennessee at Knoxville will provide $274,750 in cost share to procure an advanced multipurpose X-ray diffraction (XRD) system. The system will consist of high resolution, high intensity, advanced X-ray beam optics, a centric Eulerian cradle, and three types of detectors. They system will allow researchers to examine and quantify materials behavior upon exposure to extreme conditions.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
Utah State University$275,000 Utah State University will provide $25,000 to purchase a high temperature laser flash analysis (LFA) system for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity studies. The system will compliment already existing high temperature systems allowing researchers to analyze thermophysical properties for the characterization of nuclear fuels and materials.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University$300,000 Virginia Tech will provide $50,000 in cost share to establish a neutron irradiation laboratory. The laboratory will contain a neutron generator system, a material glovebox/hot cell with a pneumatic rabbit transfer system, with associated shielding. The laboratory will be used to support planned and current courses in radiation detection and measurement, radiation shielding and particle transport.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
Washington State University$135,000 Washington State University will procure an up-to-date y-spectroscopy system that will allow superior training, R&D work and laboratory instruction. The new y-spectroscopy system will allow for students and researchers to operate and use the equipment for short-term experiments. It will be used for a variety of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry applications.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2013
Idaho State University$91,741 Idaho State University will modernize radiation detectors, associated instruments, and the sub-assembly to imcritical prove the ability to acquire meaningful measurements and reliability of results.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$450,000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology will purchase two Canberra CAM 200 effluent monitoring systems to replace aging monitors. The safety upgrade will ensure continued compliance with regulations involving effluent releases.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
Oregon State University$135,636 Oregon State University will purchase a HPGe gamma-ray detector, four digital spectrometers, and an additional UPS unit to ensure uninterrupted counting activity to support the gamma spectroscopy capabilities at the reactor.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
Reed College$133,000 Reed College will replace a log power channel, pump station and demineralizer beds of the primary clean-up loop to ensure continued safe operation of the reactor.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center$397,000 Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center will purchase health physics instrumentation including a stack gas/particulate air monitor and 6 radiation monitor systems to ensure safe operation of the reactor.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
University of Florida$110,050 University of Florida will replace original control blade drives with four control blade drives to expedite the resumption of operations of the reactor.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
University of Texas, Austin$74,013 The University of Texas, Austin will provide $29,946 in cost share to purchase a bellows, waterproof radiation monitor, underwater video system, and portable radiation shields to repair a leak in the bellows of a beam port to restore structural integrity of the reactor pool.Reactor UpgradesFY2014
Alfred University$262,141 Alfred University will provide $250,000 in cost share and $12,141 in cost match to purchase a 94 GHz, 10 kW gyrotron with a liquid cryogen-free superconducting magnet for materials processing and manufacture.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Arizona State University$146,600 Arizona State University will purchase an ion-polishing system used for characterizing nuclear fuels. The system will allow for larger sample sizes than currently available Focused Ion Beam (FIB) techniques.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Colorado School of Mines$215,372 Colorado School of Mines will implement a pneumatic sample transfer capability at the Colorado School of Mines Nuclear Science Laboratory to transfer irradiated samples for short-lived radionuclide experiments.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Georgia Institute of Technology$250,000 Georgia Institute of Technology will expand the Radiological Science and Engineering Laboratory by adding a nuclear fuel irradiation tank, gamma-ray and neutron detection equipment, and a flow injection analysis system for use in fuel cycle research.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
The Ohio State University$243,454 The Ohio State University will purchase a digital data acquisition and detector emulator system to expand advanced instrumentation and control research and education.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Oregon State University$313,540 Oregon State University will provide $63,540 in cost match to refurbish an existing Gamma-Cell 220 with new cobalt-60 source allowing for extended research on aqueous separation processing.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign$191,395 The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign will expand reactor materials creep, fatigue and corrosion research by purchasing a steam generator system, a super cooled neutron detector facility, and components to construct two creep-fatigue-environment testing facilities.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
University of Nevada, Reno$189,987 University of Nevada, Reno will enhance the supercritical water loop facility by installing X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) to study the oxide films formed sample surfaces.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
University of Houston$172,969 University of Houston will upgrade their Universal Element Tester to enhance design and analysis of nuclear containment structures.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
University of Utah$121,852 University of Utah will purchase an isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC) to measure thermodynamic properties of actinides.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
University of Wisconsin, Madison$200,600 University of Wisconsin, Madison will improve Wisconsin's Ion Beam Laboratory by purchasing a new implantation chamber and upkeep current equipment to expand ion implantation productivity and efficient use of the facility.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Virginia Commonwealth University$247,541 Virginia Commonwealth University will purchase a benchtop electron scanning microscope, X-ray source and associated detectors, and an electrometer and ion chamber to bolster radiation detection and measurement and materials science research and education.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Washington State University$109,000 Washington State University will provide $20,000 in cost share to purchase a inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) to improve radioanalytical instrumentation for nuclear science chemistry.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2014
Kansas State University$1,495,945 Kansas State University will remove its aging reactor control console at the facility and replace it with a Thermo Fisher Scientific TR-1000 series console which will add additional safety features, an automatic flux control system, improved human interface design, and additional data outputs for teaching and research, while improving the reliability of the reactor facility.Reactor UpgradesFY2015
University of Florida$683,127 University of Florida will create an Integrated Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials (INFS) research center, which will expand the installed infrastructure of the University of Florida Training Reactor and improve the reactor facility capabilities and utilization.Reactor UpgradesFY2015
University of Wisconsin, Madison$22,060 University of Wisconsin will upgrade personnel radiation monitoring equipment and calibration standards to support the operation and research being conducted at the UWNR and its associated Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Materials (CLIM).Reactor UpgradesFY2015
Aiken Technical College$245,000 Aiken Technical College will acquire an advanced Flow Loop Trainer needed to maximize the value of its nuclear-related training programs.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2015
Clemson University$325,000 Clemson University will acquire a High Temperature Melt Solution Calorimeter to support existing DOE-NE programs as well as advanced characterization of ceramics in related nuclear and commercial arenas.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2015
Georgia Institute of Technology$228,000 Georgia Institute of Technology will enhance its academic and research capabilities in nuclear engineering x-ray imaging and neutron dosimetry in the following ways: Installation of an imaging system to go along with the existing x-ray source in a fully equipped irradiation laboratory; Addition of spectroscopic instruments to perform energy resolution measurements in supplement of imaging, and; Addition/expansion of dosimetry capabilities by adding tissue equivalent proportional counters (TEPC) to the neutron spectral and dosimetric instruments for improved characterization of the neutron and mixed fields.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2015
Utah State University$226,824 Utah State University will purchase key equipment to strengthen core capabilities in high temperature materials characterization including a multi-camera system consisting of infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), and visible-range cameras will be used to collect simultaneous full-field temperature and strain measurements from the surface of thermo-mechanically loaded nuclear materials.General Scientific InfrastructureFY2015
Additive Manufacturing of Functional Materials and Sensor Devices for Nuclear Energy ApplicationsBoise State University$250,000 Boise State University will procure an aerosol jet printer in order to establish additive manufacturing capability to fabricate functional materials and sensor devices for nuclear energy applications. The equipment will have crosscutting significance to advanced sensor and instrumentation research in multiple nuclear reactor designs and spent fuel cycles.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2016
Development of reactor thermal-hydraulics and safety research facilities at Kansas State UniversityKansas State University$240,791 Kansas State University will enhance their Reactor Thermalhydraulics and Safety Research facilitieswith the purchase and installation of 1) a high-speed multispectral infrared imaging system; 2) a high-speed imaging system; 3) a laser system for Particle Image Velocimetry measurements; and 4) a Very Near Infra-Red hyperspectral imaging system. This equipment will help build a unique facility capable of simultaneously observing thermal and material behavior.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2016
Upgrade of the MIT Research Reactor's Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) CapabilitiesMassachusetts Institute of Technology$215,749 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Research Reactor (MITR) will upgrade post-irradiation examination (PIE) facilities to better complement the irradiation capabilities and broaden their role as a Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) partner. The upgrade will enable the MITR to provide full irradiation and sample analysis capabilities from start to finish.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2016
Research and teaching equipment for nuclear materials characterizationUniversity of California, Berkeley$249,649 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) will enhance laboratory safety with the purchase of a hand foot detector as well as enhance the mechanical property testing capability in order to test reactor irradiated materials on all length scales and temperatures. In addition, localized physical property probing will allow UCB to support particular fuels related work while nondestructive testing equipment will enhance the thermohydraulics work and engineering scale failure analysis.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2016
Calorimeter for Nuclear Energy Teaching and ResearchWashington State University$233,000 Washington State University will purchase and setup a new calorimeter for thermodynamic data determination with radioisotopes, both in liquid phases and at solid/liquid interfaces.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2016
ISU AGN-201 Reactor Safety Channels UpgradeIdaho State University$80,805 Idaho State University will replace the BF3 detectors in the AGN-1 Reactor with modern B-10 lined detectors. The requested safety instrumentation upgrades will significantly modernize reactor operations, improve reliability, and allow students to train using current technology_.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
University Reactor Upgrades Infrastructure Support for the MITR Research Reactor's Nuclear InstrumentationMassachusetts Institute of Technology$499,640 Massachusetts Institute of Technology will improve reactor safety and operational reliability by procuring and installing new instruments (electronics and detection elements) for two of the four nuclear instrumentation channels that are used to monitor and control the reactor power level.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
Facility Stack Radiological Release Monitor UpgradeRhode Island Nuclear Science Center$180,000 Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center will upgrade the facility stack air monitor, which is used to detect any airborne radioactive gas or particulate that is released from the facility.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
A NEUP Reactor Upgrade Request for Replacement and Enhancement of the Control-Rod Drive System for The Ohio State University Research ReactorThe Ohio State University$230,000 Ohio State University will replace the existing 50+ year old reactor control-rod drive system of The Ohio State University Research Reactor with a modern system that will help maximize long-term reactor availability and improve safety. The proposed upgrade will help ensure ongoing operations to meet the needs of education and research for both OSU and DOE-NE. It will make use of modern components but be designed to minimize difficulty in safety approval.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
Equipment Upgrade at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell Research ReactorUniversity of Massachusetts, Lowell$251,930 University of Massachusetts, Lowell, will replace and upgrade two major reactor infrastructure elements of UMLRR: 1) replacement of the 40-year old heat exchanger with a modern, fully instrumented flat-plate heat exchanger; 2) addition of an "analog" neutron flux monitoring channel based on a fission chamber detector.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
Neutron Flux Monitoring Channels Upgrade for the University of Utah TRIGA ReactorUniversity of Utah$433,563 University of Utah will acquire two neutron flux monitoring channels, a wide-range logarithmic channel, and a wide-range linear channel to replace the aging and degraded flux monitoring channels in the University of Utah TRIGA reactor (UUTR). This foreseen upgrade of the UUTR neutron flux monitoring channels will assure safe and reliable operational capabilities and enhance sustaining exponential growth of the Utah Nuclear Engineering Program.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
Nuclear Reactor Radiation Monitoring System UpgradeWashington State University$35,899 Washington State University will acquire a replacement CAM system with features such as airborne radioactive material concentration measurement capability and digital data logging.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2016
Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Ceramics for Nuclear ApplicationsAlfred University$379,925 CeraFab 8500 printer will enable additive manufacturing work on ceramic materials by developing techniques and training faculty and graduate students through work on fuel surrogates.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Development of Nuclear Grade Nanoparticle Ink Synthesis Capabilities for Advanced Manufacturing of Nuclear SensorsBoise State University$295,392 Synthesis and characterization equipment (advanced manufacturing) to support advanced manufacturing for nuclear sensors. This builds upon an infrastructure grant from FY2016.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
High-Temperature Atmosphere-Controlled Raman Microscope for Fuel Cycle Materials ResearchClemson University$249,600 Raman microscope with high-temperature atmosphere-controlled capability for the characterization of ceramic materials relevant to diverse aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Procurement of a micro-autoclave for X-ray Diffraction MeasurementsIllinois Institute of Technology$160,000 The proposed equipment (autoclave with two sapphire windows) will allow in-situ micro-scale characterization of oxide microstructure of nuclear materials under corrosion in various environments as well as the in-situ investigation of primary water radiolysis effect on corrosion.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Spatiotemporally Resolved Multiscale Measurements of Single- and Multi-Phase Flows Using State-Of-The-Art System of X-ray Tomography and Optical SensorsTexas A&M University$235,985 State-of-the-art X-ray tomography combined to high-frequency optical sensors to our advanced flow visualization systems to perform high resolution measurements of single- and multi-phase flows.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
IASCC Test Facility for University of Florida Nuclear fuel and Structural Materials Research CenterUniversity of Florida$246,379 Fill the nationally wide need gap for IASCC test facility in order to support the materials degradation and advanced nuclear materials development for the LWR Sustainability (LWRS) program. 2. Support the on-going, under-review and near future nuclear materials research at the University of Florida. 3. Train next generation of work force for nuclear engineerinthe g R&D sector with radioactive materials hands-on experience.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
General Scientific Infrastructure Support for Innovative Nuclear Research at the University of IdahoUniversity of Idaho$303,549 Installation of a thermal hydraulic test loop: printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHEs), test steels and Ni-based alloys in simulated water reactor environments. Dynamic materials testing loop: An existing static autoclave testing system will be modified with a high pressure re-circulation flow loop, loading train, and required instrumentation for fatigue crack growth and stress corrosion cracking of structural materials used in nuclear reactors. Thermal analysis system: adsorption isotherms for various systems including non-radioactive isotopes of fission products on graphite and graphitic materials.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Autoclave Recirculating Loop to Perform Experiments Related to Stress Corrosion Cracking, Cyclical Fatigue, and Creep of LWR Advanced Alloy Structural ComponentsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign$280,670 Autoclave Recirculating Loop to Enable LWR Immersion, Slow Strain Rate (SSRT), and Constant Extension Rate Testing (CERT) to perform experiments related to stress corrosion cracking, cyclical fatigue, and creep of LWR advanced alloy structural componentsDocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Instrumentation in Support of the Michigan Advanced Nuclear Imaging Center (MINIC)University of Michigan$300,000 Advanced high-speed X-ray imaging, high resolution distributed temperature sensors, and high resolution profile velocimetry sensing for application in liquid metals and other fluids + development, design, and testing of new fast neutron imaging technologies.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Glow Discharge - Optical Emission Spectrometer & Chemistry Controlled Recirculatory Loop for the Environmental Degradation of Nuclear Materials LaboratoryUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison$304,721 Glow Discharge - Optical Emission Spectrometer & Chemistry controlled recirculatory loop for the Environmental Degradation of Nuclear Materials Laboratory.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Focused Ion Beam for Advanced Specimen Preparation, 3D Microstructural Characterization, and Simulated IrradiationUtah State University$300,000 Focused Ion Beam for Advanced Specimen Preparation, 3D Microstructural Characterization, and Simulated Irradiation.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
Infrastructure Upgrade for Nuclear Engineering Research and Education at Virginia TechVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University$290,000 Equipment to characterize single and two phase flows in three dimensions to support V&V of simulation codes and to study dynamic corrosion in turbulent environments.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2017
A Request for Upgrade of the Ohio State University Research Reactor Beam Ports InfrastructureThe Ohio State University$184,328 Ohio State University will acquire radiation shielding material and instrumentation to recommission two neutron beam ports at the research reactor.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2017
University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) Reactor Engineering UpgradesUniversity of Missouri, Columbia$319,067 University of Missouri, Columbia will purchase new paperless strip chart recorders and an off-gas (stack) effluent monitoring system to replace obsolete safety instrumentation.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2017
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor University Research Reactor Upgrades Infrastructure SupportUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison$61,460 University of Wisconsin, Madison will replace health physics (HP) radiation monitoring equipment to support the operation and research.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2017
Nuclear Reactor Facility Exhaust Gas Monitoring System UpgradeWashington State University$11,163 Washington State University will replace the existing 1970s-vintage Exhaust Gas Monitoring (EGM) system with a modern system. The original system will be retained as a backup.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2017
Radioactive Powder Characterization Equipment for Enhanced Research and Teaching CapabilityTexas A&M University$184,505 Texas A&M University will purchase powder characterization equipment for the specific purpose of characterizing radioactive powders. The equipment will include an X-ray diffractometer and a particle size analyzer.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2018
Installation of a Novel High Throughput Micro and Macro Scale Machining Capability for Pre and Post Irradiation ExaminationUniversity of California - Berkeley$248,296 This project targets the deployment of a novel micro and macro scale high precision machining capability for unirradiated and irradiated materials. Equipment includes a femto second laser with the related optics, sample stage, and the required software.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2018
Expanding Mechanical Testing and Characterization Capabilities for Irradiated Materials Research at University of FloridaUniversity of Florida$249,473 The proposal aims to enhance the capabilities of the Integrated Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials (INFSM) research center by adding a mechanical testing facility by upgrading the MTS 100 kN Landmark Test System for radiological work and expanding the existing microstructural characterization capabilities by installing an EDAX electron backscattering diffraction/energy dispersive spectroscopy (EBSD/EDS) unit on the focused ion beam (FIB) tool.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2018
Infrastructure Support for In-Situ High Temperature Dynamic Nano-mechanical Testing System for Mechanical Testing of Irradiated Structural MaterialsUniversity of Nevada - Reno$223,397 Establish a new in-situ depth sensing nanomechanical testing infrastructure system using the Alemnis SEM Indenter, designed to work in conjunction with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Upgrades will include a High Load Cell up to 1.5N, High Temperature Module, High Dynamic Module, and additional indenter tips for both room and elevated temperatures.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2018
X-ray Diffraction System to Enhance VCU Nuclear Materials Research and EducationVirginia Commonwealth University$154,065 The Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) proposes to strengthen its academic and research capabilities in the core area of nuclear material characterization and detection technology. The main focus of this enhancement will be on obtaining the benchtop X-ray diffraction (XRD) system in a controlled environment operating in the range from room temperature up to 500 degrees Celsius.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2018
A Dedicated Laboratory for Radioactive Sample Handling (includes pneumatic transfer system & fuel tool)Kansas State University$167,493 The Kansas State University (KSU) TRIGA Mark II Nuclear Reactor Facility proposes to establish a dedicated Sample Handling Laboratory. Upgrades needed include an advanced counting system, pneumatic transfer system, glove box, high-precision balance, and a new fuel handling tool.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
University Reactor Upgrades Infrastructure Support for: MITR Modular Hot Cells for Post-Irradiation ExaminationMassachusetts Institute of Technology$631,289 The goals of the project will be accomplished by installing a suite of two modular, turnkey hot cells, designed, manufactured and installed by an established hot cell supplier with the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
General Reactor Safety Improvement at Missouri S&T ReactorMissouri Science and Technology$249,138 The project yields an enhancement for the distance learning capability at the Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor (MSTR). The safety improvement involves the installation of a 2-Ton capacity overhead crane, digital chart recorders, and a gamma monitoring portal.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
Establishing a Hot Cell Capability at the Pulstar ReactorNorth Carolina State University$488,464 The objective of this project is to establish a hot cell capability at the PULSTAR reactor of North Carolina State University (NCSU).DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
Reactor Hot Cell Laboratory Upgrades to Support the Integrated Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials Research Center at the University of Florida Training ReactorUniversity of Florida$281,321 Refurbish the existing reactor hot cell by replacing the existing manipulators with more capable modern units and reconnecting the reactor fast rabbit to the hot cell via a new trench connection.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
Increase Our Understanding of the Maryland University Training Reactor Core (includes underwater camera & chart recorder)University of Maryland$36,717 Project involves the acquisition of a chart recorder and a radiation hard, underwater camera that will allow the viewing of the reactor core for installing fuel elements.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
Upgrades for MURR Reactor Control and In-Pool Maintenance OperationsUniversity of Missouri - Columbia$109,782 This project will support two activities essential to MURR reactor operations: the fabrication of a new regulating blade drive mechanism and the acquisition of an in-pool camera system capable of withstanding high radiation environments next to the reactor fuel and other irradiated components.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
Reactor Control Console Upgrade for the University of Utah TRIGA ReactorUniversity of Utah$995,600 University of Utah plans to replace the following for their TRIGA reactor: the old SCRAM relay logic and annunciators, the controller for control rods and magnet supply, chart recorders with digital recorders, failing thermocouples, float sensors, water flow sensors, pH sensor, conductivity sensors, new displays, data logging capability, and additional digital outputs.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor University Research Reactor Upgrades Infrastructure SupportUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison$36,300 Replace the electromechanical coolers attached to the high purity germanium (HPGe) radiation detectors to support the operation and research being conducted at the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) and associated Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Materials (CLIM).DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2018
NEUP Project 19-17780: Enhancement of Material Characterization Capabilities at North Carolina State University for Supporting Nuclear Energy Related StudiesNorth Carolina State University$290,000 This project will enhance material characterization/examination capabiltiies for nuclear energy research. The university will acquire a high spatial resolution photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy and mapping system to characterize nuclear fuel, cladding materials and nuclear sensor materials, along with a floating zone furnace for sample preparation.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17961: Multi Universities for Small Modular Reactor Simulators: NuScaleOregon State University$250,000 This project is one of three to build NuScale reactor simulators in multiple universities (Oregon State University, Texas A&M and the University of Idaho) for research, education, K-12 outreach, and public advocation regarding nuclear power and Small Modular Reactor technology.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17944: Multi Universities for Small Modular Reactor Simulators: NuScaleTexas A&M University$308,223 This project is one of three to build NuScale reactor simulators in multiple universities (Oregon State University, Texas A&M and the University of Idaho) for research, education, K-12 outreach, and public advocation regarding nuclear power and Small Modular Reactor technology.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17955: Multi University Simulators for Small Modular Reactors: NuScaleUniversity of Idaho$285,763 This project is one of three to build NuScale reactor simulators in multiple universities (Oregon State University, Texas A&M and the University of Idaho) for research, education, K-12 outreach, and public advocation regarding nuclear power and Small Modular Reactor technology.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17572: Reed College Reactor Infrastructure SupportReed College$104,000 Funding will be used by Reed College to improve reliability and enhance the research capabilities of the reactor program. This includes the replacement of the liquid scintillation counter and the air particulate and gas stack monitor.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17668: A Request for Replacement of the Control-Rod Drive System for The Ohio State University Research ReactorThe Ohio State University$230,000 The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Lab will replace the existing reactor control-rod drive mechanism system with a modern system that will improve operational reliability and safety. The end result will maximize the long-term availability of the reactor, a Nuclear Science User Facilities partner facility, for serving the education and research missions of both the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, and The Ohio State University.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2019
NEUP Project 20-21610: Enhancing Mechanical Testing Capabilities to Support High-throughput Nuclear Material DevelopmentAuburn University$210,398 The project seeks to enhance the advanced mechanical testing capabilities at Auburn University through the aquisition of two key instruments to further support its existing nuclear research and education programs, as well as advanced manufacturing. An integrated micro- and nano-indentation platform with high-temperature capability will be acquired to cover grain scale high-throughput mechanical evaluation. A digital image correlation system will also be acquired to develop a high-throughput macroscale mechanical testing procedure of the compositionally and microstructurally gradient tensile specimens to maximize neutron test efficiency.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-19328: A 3D Metal Printer to Enable Innovations in Nuclear Materials and SensorsBoise State University$319,941 This project will establish the capability to additively manufacture metallic materials at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies and within the NSUF network. This capability will help advance cross-cutting research on additive manufacturing of nuclear materials and in-core sensors and will enable new educational opportunities to attract and train high-quality students for the next generation nuclear energy workforce.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21612: High-Speed Thermogravimetry Equipped with Mass Spectrometry for Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of Nuclear Energy MaterialsClemson University$228,237 The project will allow for the acquisition of a state-of-the-art thermal analysis infrastructure of a high-speed thermogravimetry equipped with online mass spectrometry, allowing for high-speed temperature variation and instantaneous, simultaneous, and accurate quantification of exit species. The rapid and accurate thermodynamic and kinetic study of nuclear energy materials and processes will result in a robust thermodynamic characterization hub for nuclear energy materials and processes.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21572: Development of an In-Situ Testing Laboratory for Research and Education of Very High Temperature Reactor MaterialsNorth Carolina State University$261,175 This project will allow for the development of a unique in-situ testing laboratory (ISTL) through acquisition of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and installation of a miniature thermomechanical fatigue testing system inside the SEM. The proposed ISTL will give the research community unprecedented capability to perform nuclear research, educate next generation scientists, and develop a future NSUF program in studying real-time microstructure evolution of very high temperature reactor materials under realistic loading conditions.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21567: Development of a High Throughput Nuclear Materials Synthesis LaboratoryUniversity of Michigan$166,560 This project will allow for the acquisition of equipment to establish rapid materials consolidation and modification to complement the already established facilities at the University of Michigan, including the world-class Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory (MIBL). Coupling both MIBL and the proposed facility in a single research effort will result in a new end-to-end high throughput nuclear materials discovery capability in a single institution. The resulting increase in capability will serve all nuclear energy supporting universities, national laboratories, and industry.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21628: Infrastructure Support for In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Examination of Structure, Composition and Defect Evolution of Irradiated Structural Materials at University of Nevada, RenoUniversity of Nevada, Reno$343,147 The project will establish a new, in-situ, nano-scaled structure, composition and defects evolution examination infrastructure system for irradiated structural materials using the Hysitron PI-95 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) PicoIndenter, which is designed to work in conjunction with a state-of-art high resolution TEM. This system will allow in-situ characterization under mechanical strain in a variety of irradiated materials at the University of Nevada, Reno.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21614: High Temperature Thermophysical Properties of Nuclear Fuels and MaterialsUniversity of Pittsburgh$300,000 This project will allow the acquisition of key equipment to strengthen the core nuclear capability in the strategic thrust area of instrumentation and measurements at the University of Pittsburgh. This will be accomplished through the purchase of a laser flash analyzer and a thermal mechanical analyzer as a tool suite for complete thermophysical property information, and to fill an infrastructure gap to enhance nuclear research and education.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21609: A Customized Creep Frame to Enable High-Throughput Characterization of Creep Mechanism MapsUtah State University$160,000 This project will allow for the acquisition and installation of a custom creep testing frame with an environmental chamber which has been modified with windows to support camera-based strain measurements. The measurements obtained using the equipment will be used to study heterogeneous creep strain accumulation in nuclear materials, with applications geared towards light water reactor sustainability, accident tolerant fuels, and other important materials-related challenges in nuclear science and engineering.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21589: Underground Waste Storage Tanks Removal and Installation of New Above Ground Waste Storage Tanks and Waste Evaporator Pit at the Radiation Science and Engineering CenterPennsylvania State University$306,744 In order for the necessary construction of a new beam ball at the Penn State Breazeale Reactor, the antiquated underground storage tanks will be replaced with above ground water storage tanks within the expanded neutron beam hall space. This effort will allow progress to continue toward the goal of massively expanding the number of neutron experiment stations available to the Radiation Science and Engineering Center users.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21621: Equipment Upgrades at University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor (UMLRR) to enable neutron-induced reaction research.University of Massachusetts, Lowell$129,788 Equipment and the experimental infrastructure at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell Research Reactor will be upgraded, in order to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the reactor during the next 20 or more years of operations. A new control console that will ensure the safe and efficient operation, as well as upgrades to the experimental infrastructure of the facility, during the next 20 or more years of operations. The proposed control system upgrades will continue to enhance this ongoing educational development pathway.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2020
NEUP Project 20-21593: Reactor Cooling System Upgrade for the University of Utah TRIGA ReactorUniversity of Utah$487,387 The cooling system of the Universty of Utah TRIGA reactor (UUTR) will be replaced to enhance performance and utility by allowing for the reactor to run for much longer periods at full power, increasing safety and operational reliability. Converting the cooling mechanism from a passive system to an active system will increase the cooling capacity by up to 1 MW thermal energy. This will allow for the UUTR to have much longer runtimes and higher daily neutron/gamma fluence, which will enhance the capability for a wide range of nuclear research and development efforts.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2020
NEUP Project 21-25190: Real-Time In Situ Characterization of Molecular and Complex Ionic Species in Forced-Flow Molten Salt Loops and a Molten Salt Research ReactorAbilene Christian University$367,793 This project supports establishing new and unique real-time direct chemical analysis capabilities for molten salt systems, specifically adding Raman and gamma spectroscopies to the Abilene Christian University (ACU), the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing (NEXT) Lab molten salt and materials characterization tools.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25206: High-Speed Terahertz Scanning System for Additively Manufactured Ceramic Materials and Composites for TCR Core MaterialsAlfred University$90,000 This project supports procurement and installation of a custom-made high-speed terahertz (THz) dual scanner system that will demonstrate non-destructive imaging of AM ceramic materials and composites for TCR core application.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25188: High-Efficiency Electrochemical Test Facility for Corrosion and Hydrodynamic Analysis in Molten SaltsBrigham Young University$180,269 This project advocates the purchase of rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) to provide high throughput testing of materials and measurement of physical properties in molten salts. The proposal suggests that the purchase will yield an "Intermediate" advance on current methods for interrogating corrosion in molten salts.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25233: CSU Accurate Neutron Dosimetry Research and Teaching InfrastructureColorado State University$39,500 This project supports procuring a new and well-characterized set of neutron detectors (Bonner Spheres) and the ATTILA4MC computer code to provide additional neutron detection capacity and neutron spectroscopy capabilities. Primary utilization is to enhance student education and training in the area of neutron detection and dosimetry.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25109: Interrogating f-element-ligand Interactions by X-ray Absorption SpectroscopyFlorida International University$302,826 This project promotes the purchase of analytical instruments, including an X-ray absorption spectrometer and a probe for NMR spectrometer, to enhance radiochemistry research.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25197: Ultrafast elemental depth profiling to enable high-throughput characterization of nuclear materials and fuelsMissouri University of Science and Technology$304,724 This project will support the purchase of a pulsed radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (GDOES), with the capability of ultrafast elemental depth profiling. Potential unique capability as a tool for high throughput compositional characterization of nuclear materials and fuels.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25130: High Resolution Scanning Acoustic Microscopy System for High Throughput Characterization of Materials and Nuclear fuelsNorth Carolina State University$290,000 This project requests funding for the purchase of a state-of-the-art high resolution scanning acoustic microscopy system for in high throughput characterization of nuclear fuels, sensor materials, cladding materials, reactor structural materials and 3D printed components. This novel non-destructive characterization capability will enhance capabilities at a current NSUF partner institution providing a unique offering within NSUF NEID.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25148: Dedicated Infrastructure for In Situ Characterization of Structural MaterialsState University of New York, Stony Brook$204,327 This project supports procurement of a suite of equipment dedicated to characterizing radioactive materials. Microscale specimen preparation and property testing equipment is an area of significant need within the nuclear research complex.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25122: Infrastructure upgrades to the Texas A&M University Accelerator LaboratoryTexas A&M University$246,418 This project will provide support to enhance Texas A&M Univ. Accelerator Laboratory, specifically (1) to increase the proton irradiation efficiency by one order of magnitude; (2) to offer the new capability of simultaneous proton ion irradiation and corrosion testing in molten salts related to molten salt reactor (MSR) applications; and (3) to develop the new capability of in-situ characterization of specimen thickness and elemental distributions during corrosion testing. The project will lead to a capability that is not duplicated at other facilities.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25126: Development of a Rapid Chemical Assessment Capability for In-Situ TEM Ion IrradiationsUniversity of Michigan$350,000 This project will support the acquisition and deployment of a Gatan GIF (Gatan Imaging Filter) Continuum ER system in the Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory (MIBL) ThermoFisher Tecnai TF30 scanning/transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) that is augmented to allow in situ dual ion beam irradiation. This purchase will result in a significant enhancement of the characterization capabilities of MIBL system, that will result in high-throughput experimental workflows including in-situ TEM ion irradiations.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25140: Neutron irradiation facility at the NSLUniversity of Notre DameThis project supports development of a neutron irradiation station (NIS) at the Nuclear Science Laboratory (NSL) at the University of Notre Dame (UND) providing a monoenergetic flux of neutrons in the energy range of a few keV to a few MeV produced via (p,n) or (a,n) reactions on low-Z target materials, such as Li and Be. Significant utilization is expected within both educational and R&D missions, with R&D utilization expanding from nuclear data to radiation effects studies. The capability will be hosted by NSF-supported facility with a significant postgraduate "hands-on" education program.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25241: Fuel Fabrication Line for Advanced Reactor Fuel Research, Development and TestingUniversity of Texas at San Antonio$286,344 This project will support the fabrication and testing of advanced nuclear fuels and materials, specifically the development of the uranium-bearing compounds, alloys, and composites. Specific focus is the synthesis of novel samples of relevant fuel compounds, like uranium nitride (UN) and the fabrication of dense, uniform geometries (pellets) of these samples as well as fuel compounds such as namely uranium silicides, carbides, composite forms of these fuels, and metallic fuel alloys/ compounds.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25150: Instrumentation for Enhanced Safety, Utilization, and Operations Infrastructure at the NCSU PULSTAR ReactorNorth Carolina State University$341,760 This project will upgrade and enhance the safety, operations, and utilization infrastructure at the PULSTAR reactor of North Carolina State University (NCSU); installation of modern reactor console instrumentation to support the continued safe and reliable operation of the PULSTAR reactor and installation of comprehensive and facility wide radiation protection and moisture/temperature sensor systems.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25222: High-Temperature Molten Salt Irradiation and Examination Capability for the Penn State Breazeale ReactorPennsylvania State University$179,715 This project will build and install a permanent, high-temperature, molten salt neutron irradiation and post-irradiation analysis capability at the Penn State Breazeale Reactor (PSBR).DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25112: Enhancement of Availability of The Ohio State University Research Reactor for Supporting Research and EducationThe Ohio State University$73,539 This project wil support replacement parts for essential OSU Research Reactor (OSURR) control-room equipment that has been in continuous service for decades; custom reactor protection system (RPS) modules for which the lab has no spares.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25142: Safety and Reliability Enhancements for the UC Irvine TRIGA ReactorUniversity of California, Irvine$74,950 This project will increase the reliability of the TRIGA reactor instrumentation and control systems, increase the radiation safety for experiments while expanding research capabilities, and improve the fuel surveillance and management program.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25213: Acquisition of an Automated Pneumatic Sample Transfer System for Neutron Irradiation at the University of Florida Training ReactorUniversity of Florida$282,000 The University of Florida will acquire an automated pneumatic sample transfer system to be used for moving samples into the University of Florida Training Reactor for irradiation and transferring the samples to laboratories for experimental use.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25202: Advancing Radiation Detection Education at the Maryland University Training ReactorUniversity of Maryland, College Park$208,140 This project will modernize the radiation safety equipment and radiation detection capabilities at the Maryland University Training Reactor.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25132: Development of Neutron Tomography at the University of Wisconsin Nuclear ReactorUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison$222,294 This proposal will enhance nuclear energy-related research and development at the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) and associated Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Materials (CLIM). Proposal seeks to enhance the neutron radiography capabilities at the reactor, by acquiring a high-resolution detector, rotation stage, visualization software and a high-performance computer.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
NEUP Project 21-25215: Upgrade to the 1 MW TRIGA Research Reactor Pool Liner at WSUWashington State University$302,657 This project will enhance the safety, performance, and continued operational reliability of the WSU NSC 1.0 MW TRIGA conversion research reactor: 1) Restore the reactor tank concrete, which is in much need of repair, and 2) Replace the epoxy concrete tank liner with a modern, robust epoxy liner that has already been successfully utilized and in service at other reactor facilities.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2021
Advanced Raman Spectroscopy for Characterization of f-Element Coordination Chemistry and Multiphasic Nuclear Waste FormsClemson University$244,767 This project seeks to purchase a new Raman microscope for student and faculty research at Clemson University. The new Raman microscope will be dedicated to examination of the chemistry and structure of radioactive materials.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2022
Microscale PIE Tools for Expanding the Scientific Impact of the MIT ReactorMassachusetts Institute of Technology$156,249 The MIT Nuclear Reactor Lab (NRL) seeks to purchase a Flash Differential Scanning Calorimeter, to enable a greatly increased scientific output from all materials used in the MIT reactor and throughout the NSUF network. The FlashDSC-2 allows thermal analysis up to 1000C, enabling the direct measurement of Wigner energy (radiation defects) for defect reaction analysis and quantification, which has major implications for correlating radiation effects from neutrons and ions.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2022
Scientific Infrastructure Support for Post Irradiation Examination of Materials at MURRUniversity of Missouri, Columbia$225,933 This proposal requests funding for equipment that will establish a core of materials characterization capabilities at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR), and includes a Raman spectroscopy system, a microhardness tester, a micro test stand, a microscope and a digital image correlation system.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2022
Enhanced Safety, Operations, and Utilization Infrastructure at the NCSU PULSTAR ReactorNorth Carolina State University$130,100 The objective of this proposal is to provide the PULSTAR with essential safety, plant status monitoring, utilization, and radiation protection infrastructure upgrades that will ensure its continued safe and efficient operation currently and at 2-MWth. This infrastructure upgrade allows the facility to continue to meet the increasing needs of PULSTAR users, enhancing user experience, expansion into new facilities, and supports the institutional and national missions.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Enhancement of radiation safety, security, and research infrastructure at newly constructed Neutron Beam Hall at the Penn State Breazeale Nuclear ReactorPennsylvania State University$364,240 In this application, we seek funds for enhancement of radiation safety and security infrastructure for our new expanded beam hall, a triple neutron beam catcher for new cold neutron beamline, and a neutron beam cave for the beam bender and neutron chopper sections of the extended beam line for the SANS facility. The funds requested for this application will enable us to utilize the expanded beam hall safely and efficiently.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Reed College Reactor N.I. Power Monitoring ChannelsReed College$543,400 Reed College requests funding to primarily secure and secondarily extend the life of the safety system functions with new power monitoring channels at the console. Obsolete safety-critical signal conditioning of old channels puts the reactor at risk of indeterminate shut-down if not replaced by modern, well-supported technology.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
University of Florida Training Reactor Gaseous Effluent Monitoring in Support of Reactor Operations and Research ActivitiesUniversity of Florida$55,720 We propose the procurement of new gas effluent monitoring systems that will enable the UFTR to offer an increased suite of capabilities including plume monitoring and source term-tracking. The proposed system redundancy will enable a significant improvement of reliability and availability.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Core Modifications to Ensure the Continued Safe and Reliable Operation of the Maryland University Training ReactorUniversity of Maryland, College Park$171,956 During the installation of lightly irradiated fuel bundles, reactor operators discovered that these new fuel bundles would not fit into the grid plate. It was determined that the original bundles were installed in the wrong orientation in 1974. To install the lightly irradiated fuel bundles, reactor operators will need to unload the current core and disassemble all fuel bundles for inspection. The fuel will then be re-assembled with new end adapters for installation in the correct orientation.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Operations and Radiation Safety Upgrades for the University of Massachusetts Lowell Research ReactorUniversity of Massachusetts, Lowell$156,496 The University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor (UMLRR) will replace aging components associated with the area radiation monitoring system and the reactor instrumentation and control systems. In addition, a broad energy germanium detector will be acquired to provide radiological monitoring capabilities at the reactor facility. These acquisitions will provide reliability of reactor operations and improve radiation safety for staff, faculty, and students working at the reactor.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Upgrading the UT Austin Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory Reactor Console and Instrumentation to Advance Nuclear Science and Engineering Research and EducationUniversity of Texas at Austin$792,101 The objective of this project is to replace the original General Atomics (GA) integrated digital control and instrumentation system for the TRIGA Mark II nuclear reactor at the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (NETL) of The University of Texas at Austin (UT) with a modern, reliable, enhanced and capable system to increase useable reactor power, eliminate the risk for catastrophic failure, and improve reactor safety.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Radiation Tolerant Inspection Camera at the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR)University of Wisconsin-Madison$55,495 The specific objective of this proposal is to enhance safety and ensure regulatory compliance at the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) and associated Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Materials (CLIM) through the acquisition of a radiation tolerant underwater camera with pan, tilt, zoom (PTZ) capabilities.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
Enhancing the Operational Reliability of the TRIGA Reactor at Washington State University Utilizing Back-Up Reactor Core Nuclear InstrumentationWashington State University$104,976 The goal of this project is to enhance the continued operational reliability of the WSU Nuclear Science Center 1.0 MW TRIGA conversion research reactor by procuring spare reactor power detectors to replace aging ex-core detectors and fabricating detector housings.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2022
High Tempurature Thermal Diffusivity Equipment for Expanding the Scientific Impact of the MIT ReactorMassachusetts Institute of Technology$136,000 Project seeks to upgrade the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Research Reactor (MITR) post-irradiation examination (PIE) facilities to better complement the irradiation capabilities and broaden our role as a Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) partner. Our eventual goal is to enable the MITR to provide full irradiation and sample analysis capabilities, from the start to the end of NSUF projects.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
High-speed X-ray Imaging System Under a Chemically Protected Environment for Advanced High-temperature Non-Water-Cooled Reactor ExperimentsPennsylvania State University$326,898 Pennsylvania State University seeks a high-speed X-ray imaging system under a chemically controlled atmosphere to study high-temperature advanced reactor coolants and the materials-environment interactions. The capability of imaging low radioactive liquids and solids using a high-energy X-ray beam, at a very high imaging rate, and under a chemically protective environment is currently not available in the Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Database.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
Hot Isotatic Pressing (HIP) for Nuclear Fuels and Structural MaterialsPurdue University$258,750 Purdue University seeks to expand the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) capabilities to include hot isostatic pressing (HIP) equipment to fabricate, densify, and/or process nuclear structural materials, nuclear fuels, radioactive waste, and radiation detectors.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
A Molten Salt Training and Research Loop for Advanced Nuclear ReactorsNorth Carolina State University$250,000 North Carolina State University will procure a molten salt pumped loop and glove box for both cutting-edge R&D and laboratory training for upper-division undergraduate and graduate students. Future users of the salt loop will investigate a diversity of research topics that include fluid characterization, material corrosion, thermos-hydraulics, sensor development, and more.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
Establishment of Hot Cell Irradiated Materials Micro and Nano-Mechanical Testing at the University of New MexicoUniversity of New Mexico$209,305 Project seeks to enhance the materials characterization capabilities at the University of New Mexico hot cell facilities through acquisition of a microhardness tester, an in situ SEM picoindenter, and a digital image correlation system.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
Establishment of a Salt Characterization Facility at UNRUniversity of Nevada, Reno$180,779 Project seeks to obtain accessories for existing characterization tools to determine the composition of halide salts. Specifically, a double glovebox, an ELTRA combustion analyzer and a titrator. This facility along with existing characterization infrastructure at UNR will allow for complete characterization of the salt composition.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
Establishing a Nuclear Chemistry Core Facility at the University of WyomingUniversity of Wyoming$300,000 University of Wyoming seeks to secure the necessary infrastructure to establish a nuclear chemistry core facility which will serve the research and teaching missions of the University of Wyoming.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
Advanced SMR Simulator to Reinforce Nuclear Engineering Infrastructure at RensselaerRensselaer Polytechnic Institute$250,000 Project seeks to strengthen the research and educational capabilities of the Nuclear Engineering Program at RPI (developing the NuScale Energy Exploration (E2) Center and a digital control room).DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
NuScale SMR Energy Exploration Center for UNLV Engineering Program Education and ResearchUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas$250,000 Project seeks to enhance the teaching and research capabilities of the Nuclear Engineering Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). The project aims to acquire the NuScale Energy Exploration (E2) Center, a state-of-the-art full scope reactor simulator based on the NuScale small modular reactor (SMR).DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2023
Upgrades to the Maryland University Training Reactor Cooling and Neutron Activation Analysis Systems for Enhanced Operational Reliability and CapabilityUniversity of Maryland, College Park$1,465,001 University of Maryland, College Park will increase and restore the safety, operational availability, and experimental capabilities of the Maryland University Training Reactor. A complete overhaul of the Primary and Secondary Coolant Systems will enable the reactor to operate continuously at its full licensed power. The acquisition of a microbalance and fume hood will improve the sensitivities of the neutron activation analysis program.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2023
Replacement and Upgrade of the Reactor Secondary Cooling Loop at the WSU 1 MW TRIGA ReactorWashington State University$740,121 Wasington State University will enhance the continued operational reliability and efficiency of the WSU Nuclear Science Center 1.0 MW TRIGA conversion research reactor by replacing and simultaneously upgrading the research reactor cooling system secondary loop with equipment sized appropriately for heat removal and operation during summer heat.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2023
Procurement of Spare Digital Recorders, Replacement Portal Monitor, and Pool Lighting System at the Missouri S&T ReactorMissouri University of Science and Technology$25,865 Missouri University of Science and Technology will procure spare digital recorders for the MSTR control console, a new portal monitor, and a pool lighting system. These improvements will bolster facility safety and reliability.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2023
Radiological Safety and Operational Reliability Enhancements at the Penn State Breazeale ReactorPennsylvania State University$78,531 Pennsylvania State University will purchase two Alpha/Beta Continuous Air Monitors (Mirion iCAM) to replace the several decades old AMS-3 units, two new hand, cuff, and foot surface contamination monitors, one for reactor bay and the other in the new reactor beam hall exit area, a spare control rod servo drive and motor mechanism.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2023
University Research Reactor Upgrades Infrastructure Support for the MIT Research Reactor's Area Radiation Monitor System UpgradeMassachusetts Institute of Technology$898,769 Massachusetts Institute of Technology will upgrade the reactor's area radiation monitor system to improve reactor safety, personnel safety and reactor radiological emergency preparedness by replacing and expanding the existing area radiation monitor system with updated technology and equipment.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2023
Spark plasma sintering for nuclear fuel and alloy fabrication at Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Technology$290,875.00 Massachusetts Institute of Technology will provide $40,875 cost share to acquire a state-of-the-art spark plasma sintering (SPS) set up to enhance educational and research capabilities in high throughput nuclear fuels, sensor materials, cladding materials, and reactor structural materials fabrication. Total estimated project cost $331,750.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
High-Throughput Serial Sectioning of Nuclear Fuels, Materials, and SensorsPurdue University$299,869.00 Purdue University will provide $49,869 cost share to acquire an automated, high-throughput serial sectioning instrument for three-dimensional characterization of nuclear fuels, materials, and sensors. Total estimated projected cost $349,738.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
Simulating Nuclear Radiation Environments and Testing Capabilities for ElectronicsUniversity of Central Florida$249,970.00 Objective of the proposal is to develop an advanced capability for simulating and studying extreme environments with elevated radiation dose and high temperature conditions similar to that in nuclear facilities.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
Development of High Temperature Environmental Testing Facilities for Advanced Reactor Materials TestingUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign$263,806.00 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will provide $13,806 cost share for the development of High Temperature Environmental Testing Facilities for Advanced Reactor Materials Research. Total estimated project cost $277,612.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
A High Current, High Energy Helium Beamline for Accelerated Nuclear Materials DevelopmentUniversity of Michigan$409,826.00 University of Michigan will provide $159,826 cost share to acquire and deploy a new high current helium ion source and corresponding beamline components at the Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory (MIBL) to form a new high current, high energy helium beamline to enable nuclear materials studies including in-situ helium effects in stressed specimen configurations.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
Commissioning of an easyXAFS to Enable Understanding of Short Order Structure in Nuclear MaterialsUniversity of Nevada, Reno$292,085.00 University of Nevada, Reno will provide $42,085 cost share to purchase an easyXFAS system, a high resolution, hard X-ray monochromator for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements. This instrument provides signal strengths approaching those from synchrotron-based XAS systems, and would enable easy analysis of radioactive samples and rapid iterations on experiments. Up to 33% of the time will be dedicated for external users. Innovative laboratory modules will be created showcasing the use of the facility. Total estimated project cost $334,170.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
In situ Characterization of Transient Radioactive CompoundsUniversity of Notre Dame$247,056.00 Project will add facilities at Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory for the handling of radioactive samples.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
Novel Optical Spectroscopy System (NOSS) to Enhance VCU Advanced Materials Research and EducationVirginia Commonwealth University$235,908.00 Virginia Commonwealth University will develop a novel optical spectroscopy system to strengthen and enhance research & teaching capabilities for material characterization & analysis of advanced nuclear fuel and waste.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
Establishing a Nuclear Science and Radiochemistry Instrumentation Hub for Education and Research at Washington State UniversityWashington State University$266,063.00 Washington State University will provide $16,064 cost share to enhance their nuclear science and radiochemistry research and education infrastructure with the purchase and installation of 1) a liquid scintillation counter with an alpha-beta separation package and 2) a mobile gamma spectrometer capable of measuring low energy gamma-rays (< 100 keV) and can be readily transported to teaching and research labs. Total estimated project cost $282,127.DocumentGeneral Scientific InfrastructureFY2024
Reactor Cooling Infrastructure Improvements at the KSU TRIGA Reactor FacilityKansas State University$175,153.00 The KSU TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor will replace and upgrade cooling system components to increase operational reliability.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024
Operations and Utilization Improvements at the PSU Breazeale ReactorPennsylvania State University$177,409.00 Project is a set of infrastructure upgrades focused on improving utilization, reliability, and safety at the PSU Breazeale Reactor. Included in the project are a new console uninterruptible power supply, an ultrapure water source for radiochemistry, a digital signal analyzer for the emergency operations center HPGe detector, a new ion exchange vessel for the primary water system, and new in-core and beamline detectors for the rapid and repeatable measurement of neutron flux.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024
Reactor Effluent Analysis Instrumentation for Rhode Island Nuclear Science CenterRhode Island Nuclear Science Center$124,615.00 The proposed project is to acquire a complete, new gamma spectroscopy system.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024
Linear Power Safety Channel Upgrades for the University of Massachusetts Lowell Research ReactorUniversity of Massachusetts, Lowell$598,075.00 The University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor (UMLRR) will replace the 2 existing Linear Power monitoring Safety Channels amplifiers.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024
Priority hardware replacement for the AGN-201M reactor at the University of New MexicoUniversity of New Mexico$437,995.00 The proposed effort will replace aging and degraded hardware in the UNM AGN-201M nuclear reactor, including original power supplies and reactor safety logic systems, improving reactor safety and reliability.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024
Continuous Air Monitor and Source Range Detection Upgrade for the University of Utah TRIGA ReactorUniversity of Utah$96,440.00 The objective of this proposal is to increase operational reliability for UUTR operations by providing redundancy for aging equipment necessary for reactor operation.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024
Infrastructure Enhancements in Support of Safety and Operational Reliability at the WSU TRIGA ReactorWashington State University$365,195.00 Projects aim to replace the 62-year old obsolete overhead crane and add an underwater pool illumination system. Both are used in support of reactor maintenance, fuel inspections and movement, teaching, training, and research activities at the WSU Nuclear Science Center 1 MW TRIGA reactor.DocumentReactor UpgradesFY2024


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