
NEET Funded Projects

TitleInstitutionEstimated Funding*Project DescriptionAbstract
NEUP Project 21-24729: Direct Production of ODS Ferritic Alloys for Long-life Reactor Fuel Bundles: Sheet Material for Ducts and Tubing Pre-forms for CladdingIowa State University$999,000 Researchers seek to exploit the inherent uniformity, reasonable compressibility, and thermally-activated sintering of gas atomization reaction synthesis (GARS) precursor oxide dispersoid strengthened (ODS) ferritic steel powder to produce full density powder compacts by conventional vacuum warm pressing. Resulting billets will be cold cross-rolled to sheet material for duct applications. Hollow preforms, with a dissimilar powder core that can be readily removed, will be produced for cladding applications.View DocumentFY2021
NEUP Project 21-24446: Gallium Nitride-based 100-Mrad Electronics Technology for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Wireless CommunicationsOak Ridge National Laboratory$999,000 The development and demonstration of a GaN HEMT based wireless communication system for near-core operation in existing and future nuclear reactor facilities is proposed. The design will be optimized for neutron, gamma, and temperature hardness, and will reach TRL4 by the project's end. Deliverables include the GaN wireless communications system design and test results, and the results of elevated temperature and gamma, neutron and combined gamma/neutron irradiation tests.View DocumentFY2021
NEUP Project 20-19321: Design and Prototyping of Advanced Control Systems for Advanced Reactors Operating in the Future Electric GridArgonne National Laboratory$1,000,000 Researchers will design and demonstrate and advanced control schemes for semi-autonomous and remote operation of advanced reactors to support integrated energy systems with energy storage technologies. The research will develop a control system architecture that will integrate with future changes to the grid, including highly variable grid demand.View DocumentFY2020
NEUP Project 20-19356: HIP Cladding and Joining to Manufacture Large Dissimilar Metal Structures for Modular and GEN IV ReactorsAuburn University$1,000,000 Researchers, using an integrated experimental and modeling approach, will develop, optimize and commercially demonstrate powder-based hot isostatic pressing (HIP) cladding and joining. This research will reduce the cost of manufacturing pressure retaining components in small modular and advanced reactors made from dissimilar metals.View DocumentFY2020
NEUP Project 20-19280: Adaptive Control and Monitoring Platform for Autonomous Operation of Advanced Nuclear ReactorsBrookhaven National Laboratory$1,000,000 Researchers will develop an artificial intelligence-based platform that can support autonomous control of advanced reactors. The platform will use and integrate information from multiple sensors and support systems to issue appropriate commands to plant systems to keep the reactor within a safe operating envelope and avoid unnecessary shutdown. The work will include a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the performance of the platform and the anticipated cost savings from its deployment.View DocumentFY2020
NEUP Project 20-20021: Diffuse field ultrasonics for in situ material property monitoring during additive manufacturing using the SMART PlatformPennsylvania State University$1,000,000 Researchers will develop, integrate, and test an ultrasound suite integrated into an additive manufacturing (AM) build plate to provide in-situ monitoring of the AM part being built. The sensing, based on microstructural sensitive diffuse ultrasonic scattering, provides information about the microstructure and associated material properties during the build. Research will focus on sensing material signatures prior to failure to allow for on-the-fly corrections to the AM build.View DocumentFY2020
NEUP Project 20-19888: Fiber Sensor Fused Additive Manufacturing for Smart Component Fabrication for Nuclear EnergyUniversity of Pittsburgh$1,000,000 Researchers will develop a fiber sensor fused additive manufacturing technique for smart components and module fabrication for nuclear power systems. The proposed innovation will significantly lower installation costs of monitoring instruments, reduce the overall operational costs, and dramatically improve safety margins of nuclear power systems, thusincrease the economic viability of nuclear energy.View DocumentFY2020
NEUP Project 19-17045: Cost-Benefit Analyses through Integrated Online Monitoring and DiagnosticsArgonne National Laboratory$1,000,000 The objective of the project is to improve the economic competitiveness of advanced reactors through the optimization of cost and plant performance, which can be achieved by coupling intelligent online monitoring with asset management decision-making. This includes designing a sensor network that is optimized for both cost and diagnostic capabilities then utilizing the sensor network and the plant's risk profile during operation to perform supply chain and asset management planning.View DocumentFY2019
NEUP Project 19-16790: Context-Aware Safety Information Display for Nuclear Field WorkersArizona State University$500,000 The overall goal of this project is to test the hypothesis that introducing solutions on Augmented Reality glasses that adopting advanced object recognition algorithms and safety compliance checking methods based on digital models of nuclear facilities will enable real-time safety engineering information display for nuclear field workers. The proposed project will integrate multiple scientistsÕ expertise in computer vision, safety engineering, and human factors to achieve this goal.View DocumentFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17206: Laser Additive Manufacturing of Grade 91 Steel for Affordable Nuclear Reactor ComponentsLos Alamos National Laboratory$1,000,000 The primary goal of this project is to determine the feasibility of laser additive manufacturing for producing reactor components of a ferritic/martensitic steel (Grade 91) with an engineered microstructure.View DocumentFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17435: Design of Risk Informed Autonomous Operation for Advanced ReactorMassachusetts Institute of Technology$1,000,000 The proposed research will deliver the foundation of integrated instrumentation and controls platform for advanced reactors and demonstrate the capability for autonomous operation.View DocumentFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17070: Acousto-optic Smart Multimodal Sensors for Advanced Reactor Monitoring and ControlPacific Northwest National Laboratory$1,000,000 This project will design and develop a multimodal sensor for measurements of critical process parameters in advanced non-light water-cooled nuclear power plants for the early detection and characterization of deviations from nominal operating condition. The focus will be to develop an integrated sensor concept that enables simultaneous measurements of temperature, pressure, and gas composition using a single sensor, thereby limiting the number of penetrations in the reactor vessel that would be needed.View DocumentFY2019
NEUP Project 19-17478: Advanced Online Monitoring and Diagnostic Technologies for Nuclear Plant Management, Operation, and MaintenanceUniversity of Pittsburgh$1,000,000 ResearchersÊwill develop and demonstrate advanced online monitoring to better manage nuclear plant assets, operation, and maintenance. They will develop a tool thatÊwill use condition monitoring and advanced analytics to manage assets and operations and management costs. This tool will integrate the following: big data analytics, condition monitoring, and models of the supply chain andÊbusiness process applications.View DocumentFY2019
NEUP Project 18-15141: Pulsed Thermal Tomography Nondestructive Examination of Additively Manufactured Reactor Materials and ComponentsArgonne National Laboratory$1,000,000.00 This project aims to develop and demonstrate a novel pulsed thermal tomography (TT) non-destructive examination (NDE) method for in-service inspection of additively manufactured (AM) reactor components and materials. NDE capability developed in this project will accelerate deployment of components produced with AM techniques in commercial nuclear reactors.View DocumentFY2018
NEUP Project 18-15179: Process-Constrained Data Analytics for Sensor Assignment and CalibrationArgonne National Laboratory$1,000,000.00 This project will develop and demonstrate data-analytic methods to address the problem of how to assign a sensor set in a nuclear facility such that 1) a requisite level of process monitoring capability is realized, and in turn, 2) the sensor set is sufficiently rich to allow analytics to determine the status of the individual sensors with respect to their need for calibration. This approach will allow for automated calibration status, avoiding unneeded calibration activities in the facility.View DocumentFY2018
NEUP Project 18-15233: Analytics-at-scale of Sensor Data for Digital Monitoring in Nuclear PlantsIdaho National Laboratory$1,000,000.00 This project will apply advanced sensor technologies, particularly wireless sensor technologies, and data science-based analytic capabilities, to advance online monitoring and predictive maintenance in nuclear plants, and improve plant performance. The resulting technology is expected to improve plant economics by enabling the transition from periodic maintenance to predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance will allow plants to better prepare for upcoming maintenance activities by optimizing allocation of resources including tools and labor.View DocumentFY2018
NEUP Project 18-15086: Development of Optical Fiber-based Gamma Thermometer and Its Demonstration in a University Research Reactor Using Statistical Data Analytic Methods to Infer Power Distributions from Gamma Thermometer ResponseThe Ohio State University$1,000,000.00 This project aims to build and test an optical fiber based gamma thermometer (OFBGT) using two university research reactors, and to develop methods to process the data that is produced by OFBGTs to produce estimates of the power density in the volume of the reactor that surrounds the OFBGTs. The OFBGT sensor will be robust and resilient, and capable of producing 'big data' scale information, with the smallest possible sensor footprint in the core.View DocumentFY2018
NEUP Project 18-15251: Integrating Dissolvable Supports, Topology Optimization, and Microstructure Design to Drastically Reduce Costs in Developing and Post-Processing Nuclear Plant Components Produced by Laser-based Powder Bed Additive ManufacturingUniversity of Pittsburgh$1,000,000.00 This project aims to develop and establish an innovative approach to drastically reduce development and post-processing costs associated with laser powder bed additive manufacturing (AM) of complex nuclear reactor components with internal cavities and overhangs. The proposed innovative approach integrates dissolvable supports, topology optimization, and microstructure design to achieve the project goal. Using optimally designed dissolvable supports, this research will make state-of-the-art nuclear components much cheaper, have minimal distortion, and could eliminate build failures altogether.View DocumentFY2018
NEUP Project 17-12633: Integrated silicon/chalcogenide glass hybrid plasmonic sensor for monitoring of temperature in nuclear facilitiesBoise State University$890,000 Researchers will develop a novel hybrid plasmonic sensor that is easier and less costly to manufacture, and which will continue to function properly after radiation exposure. Reusability is a significant feature that will further reduce cost; after reaching critical temperatures, the facility could quickly and easily reset and reuse the sensor for subsequent measurements.View DocumentFY2017
NEUP Project 17-12703: High temperature embedded/integrated sensors (HiTEIS) for remote monitoring of reactor and fuel cycle systemsNorth Carolina State University$999,688 Researchers will develop high temperature embedded/integrated sensors for wireless monitoring of reactor and fuel cycle systems. Existing sensing techniques for NPP structures are mostly challenged by the limitations at high temperatures, by the lack of radiation resistance, by the poor embed-ability because of the wired electric power supply and communication, and by unknown long-term performance under harsh environments.View DocumentFY2017
NEUP Project 17-12907: Ultrasonic Sensors for TREAT Fuel Condition Measurement and MonitoringPacific Northwest National Laboratory$1,000,000 Researchers will design an ultrasonic sensor (and the associated instrumentation) for deploying at the TREAT reactor in support of transient testing of pre-irradiated nuclear fuel rods. The focus of the sensor design will be on high-speed (<1 ms) measurements of fuel deformation in-pile.View DocumentFY2017
NEUP Project 17-12744: Development of Low Temperature Powder Spray Process for Manufacturing Fuel Cladding and Surface Modification of Reactor ComponentsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison$1,000,000 Researchers will develop a low temperature powder spray deposition process for: [i] the manufacture of fuel cladding of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels, and [ii] deposition of coatings (e.g., functionally-graded and multilayered coatings) to address corrosion, stress corrosion cracking (SCC), and wear in reactor components. This technology is amenable to large-scale manufacturing and will lower costs.View DocumentFY2017
NEUP Project 17-12690: 3-D Chemo-Mechanical Degradation State Monitoring, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Corrosion Processes in Nuclear Power Plant Secondary Piping StructuresVanderbilt University$1,000,000 Researchers will develop a novel and generalizable 3-D sensor network and associated data analytics for the chemo-mechanical degradation state monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics of corrosive processes in representative secondary piping structures. This project will address current and future needs in nuclear power plants for cost-effectively maintaining the safety and operational performance of passive structural components.View DocumentFY2017
NEUP Project 17-13022: Versatile Acoustic and Optical Sensing Platforms for Passive Structural System MonitoringVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University$1,000,000 Researchers will develop a distributed acoustic fiber Bragg grating sensing (AFBGs) technology capable of monitoring multiple parameters, such as strain, temperature, pressure, and corrosion for structural health monitoring in nuclear facilities.View DocumentFY2017
NEUP Project 16-10181: Effects of High Dose on Laser Welded, Irradiated AISI 304SSBoise State University$500,000 This project will investigate the microstructural and mechanical integrity of high irradiation fluence on laser weld repairs of previously-irradiated material. Studies will focus on neutron-irradiated AISI 304 stainless steel hex blocks, which contain high void number density and high helium concentration. These specimens will then be welded and subsequently ion irradiated to as high as 200 displacements per atom (dpa).View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10584: Irradiation Performance Testing of Specimens Produced by Commercially Available Additive Manufacturing TechniquesColorado School of Mines$499,928 The proposed project will collect first-ever irradiation and thermal aging performance data for stainless steel and Inconel specimens produced using a range of commercially available additive manufacturing techniques. Commercial suppliers will produce a set of tensile bar specimens using a representative range of additive manufacturing techniques and parameters for irradiation in the ATR and subsequent post-irradiation examination and comparison to as-fabricated and thermally-aged specimens.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10537: Enhancing Irradiation Tolerance of Steels via Nanostructuring by Innovative Manufacturing TechniquesIdaho State University$500,000 Researchers will perform neutron irradiation and post-irradiation examination of bulk nanostructured austenitic and ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels that are anticipated to have enhanced irradiation tolerance. Two innovative, low-cost manufacturing techniques will be used to manufacture the samples: equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and high-pressure torsion (HPT).View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10468: Radial Heat Flux Ð Irradiation Synergism in SiC ATF CladdingOak Ridge National Laboratory$100,000 Researchers will experimentally verify the multi-physics model of prototypical SiC-based fuel clad to neutron irradiation under high radial heat flux that is relevant to practical LWR fuel operation. The team will irradiate and conduct post-irradiation examination on tube specimens of prototypical SiC-based accident tolerant fuels.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10764: Radiation Enhanced Diffusion of Ag, Ag-Pd, Eu and Sr in Neutron Irradiated PyC/SiC Diffusion CouplesOak Ridge National Laboratory$495,330 Researchers will investigate diffusion of fission product elements in PyC/SiC substrates with near identical layer construction to TRISO fuel to supply accurate diffusion kinetics necessary to validate and provide input for fuel performance models. The effect of neutron radiation on fission product diffusion will be understood by investigating both thermally exposed diffusion couples and diffusion couples exposed to neutron radiation at temperature.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10696: Understand the Phase Transformation of Thermally Aged and Neutron Irradiated Duplex Stainless Steels Used in LWRsUniversity of Florida$489,135 To fundamentally understand the elemental evolution, segregation and precipitation in duplex stainless steels upon irradiation and thermal aging, Researchers will conduct systematic X-ray measurements including X-ray diffraction, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine structure spectroscopy and in-situ tensile testing using WXAS on existing irradiated cast stainless steels and welds. The study will also be augmented by microstructural characterization using TEM and APT.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10200: Feasibility of Combined Ion-Neutron Irradiation for Accessing High Dose LevelsUniversity of Michigan$499,611 Researchers will assess the feasibility of re-irradiating existing neutron irradiated alloys 304SS and 316SS to high dose levels using ion irradiation.Ê The purpose of the re-irradiations is to achieve high dose microstructures that represent those from reactor irradiation with similar doses. The success of this project would enable the community to evaluate material response at high dose using the existing inventory of reactor-irradiated materials to support life extension for the current LWR fleet.ÊView DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10432: Fission Product Transport in TRISO FuelUniversity of Michigan$500,000 Researchers will measure diffusion coefficients of fission product (FP) for irradiation performance at IPyC/SiC interface and in SiC via a set of separate effects tests that target the diffusion path, temperature, and irradiation conditions. The team will then use ab initio and molecular dynamics calculations to determine the atomistics associated with diffusion to provide a fundamental physics-based model of FP diffusion at IPyC/SuC and in SiC for use in PARFUME to predict FP release in TRISO fuel.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10393: Irradiation Testing of LWR Additively Manufactured MaterialsGE Hitachi Nuclear Energy$ -Researchers will perform full irradiation/PIE on materials produced by Direct Metal Laser Melting (DMLM) fabrication. It is desirable to test material fabricated in this manner because there are significant opportunities for implementation as reactor internal repair parts, fuel debris resistant filters, and fuel spacers in existing Light Water Reactors (LWRs). Advanced LWRs could also benefit from the use of additively manufactured materials in smaller complex parts.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10737: Correlative Atom Probe and Electron Microscopy Study of Radiation Induced Segregation at Low and High Angle Grain Boundaries in SteelsOak Ridge National Laboratory$ -Researchers will seek to better understand the phenomenon of radiation induced segregation to grain boundaries through the application of advanced microscopy techniques including scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and atom probe tomography.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10480: Role of Minor Alloying Elements on Long Range Ordering in Ni-Cr AlloysOregon State University$ -Researchers will seek to understand the role of different minor alloy elements in the formation of order phases in Ni-based alloys. Additionally, the range of stability of the ordered phase is investigated by changing the Ni-Cr stoichiometry. This work proposes ion/proton irradiation of commercial alloy 690 and model Ni-Cr-Fe-X alloys (where X=Si, P) to understand the role of minor elements and stoichiometry in the ordering phase transformation kinetics.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10834: Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nano-modified ConcreteVanderbilt University$ -Access to the Gamma Irradiation Facility in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will be granted for the development of a nano-modified concrete for next generation storage systems. The access will be used to subject concrete containing nano-sized and nano-structured particles to gamma radiations to simulate decades of radiation dose for subsequent characterization of the microstructure and mechanical properties.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10644: Investigating Grain Dynamics in Irradiated Materials with High-Energy X-raysArgonne National Laboratory$1,000,000 Researchers will develop new capabilities for in situ thermal-mechanical testing of neutron-irradiated specimens with 3D X-ray characterization techniques. These new capabilities will enable researchers to probe radiation damage and damage evolution within individual grains of mm-sized polycrystalline specimens.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10669: Transmission of Information by Acoustic Communication along Metal Pathways in Nuclear FacilitiesArgonne National Laboratory$1,000,000 Researchers will develop and demonstrate methods for transmission of information in nuclear facilities by acoustic means along existing in-place metal infrastructure (e.g. piping). This innovative means of transmitting information overcomes physics hurdles that beset conventional communication methods. This project provides a cross-cutting solution for those areas in the plant where wired or wireless RF communication is not feasible, not reliable (accident conditions), or not secure.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10169: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering and In-situ Process Monitoring for Rapid Qualification of Components Made by Laser-Based Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing Processes for Nuclear Structural and Pressure Boundary AppElectric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI)$999,456 Researchers will develop and demonstrate an innovative qualification strategy/approach for complex nuclear reactor internalÊcomponents produced by additive manufacturing that incorporates Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and in-situ process control. Data generated using this approach can be shared with stakeholders/OEMs to determine risks involved in deployment of components in nuclear applications.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10616: All-Position Surface Cladding and Modification by Solid-State Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing (FSAM)Oak Ridge National Laboratory$800,000 Researchers will develop/demonstrate a novel solid-state additive manufacturing process for both manufacturing individual components and cladding and surface modification to improve nuclear components and to support repair of failed components with low weldability. The new technique is expected to have a considerable reduction in cost while showing improvement in productivity and quality.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10570: The Use of Neutron Irradiation Preconditioning Followed by Self-Ion Irradiation to Accurately Characterize the Irradiation Response of Nuclear Reactor Structural MaterialsPacific Northwest National Laboratory$1,000,000 Researchers will establish the value of using neutron irradiation followed by heavy ion irradiation as a technique to accurately assess the effects of irradiation on nuclear reactor structural materials that are exposed to significant dose beyond what can be conveniently studied by neutron irradiations alone. The goal is to show how this technique compares to pure ion irradiations and pure neutron irradiations, both of which are used to study irradiation effects.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10884: Self-Powered Wireless Through-wall Data Communication for Nuclear EnvironmentsVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University$1,000,000 Researchers will develop and demonstrate an enabling technology for the data communications for nuclear reactors and fuel cycle facilities using radiation and thermal energy harvestings, through-wall ultrasound communication, and harsh environment electronics. The project will enable transmitting a great amount of data through the physical boundaries in the harsh nuclear environment in a self-powered manner.View DocumentFY2016
NEUP Project 16-10773: Wireless Reactor Power Distribution Measurement System Utilizing an In-Core Radiation and Temperature Tolerant Wireless Transmitter and a Gamma-Harvesting Power SupplyWestinghouse Electric Company LLC$789,228 Researchers will design, manufacture, and operate a wireless transmitter that uses highly radiation-and temperature-resistant vacuum micro-electronics technology that continuously broadcasts Vanadium self-powered neutron detector (SPND) signal measurements to receivers located outside a test reactor core. The power required to broadcast the wireless signal is generated by harvesting gamma radiation emitted by the reactor core and using an activated Co-60.View DocumentFY2016


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NEUP – Nuclear Energy University Program