
Final Project Reports

Reports by Year

  • NEUP Project 18-14815: C-SiOC-SiC Coated Particle Fuels for Advanced Nuclear Reactors
    K. Lu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • NEUP Project 18-15148: Recovery of Rare-Earth Elements (Nd, Gd, Sm) in Oxide Wasteform Using Liquid Metals (Bi, Sn)
    H. Kim, Pennsylvania State University
  • NEUP Project 18-15703: Bridging microscale to macroscale mechanical property measurements and predication of performance limitation for FeCrAl alloys under extreme reactor applications
    J. Wang, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • NEUP Project 18-15773: Evaluation of the Thermal Scattering Law for Advanced Reactor Neutron Moderators and Reflectors
    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University
  • NEUP Project 18-14893: Evaluation of Economics Benefits of Accident Tolerant Plants Through Risk-Informed Approaches
    K. Shirvan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • NEUP Project 18-14957: Big Data Analytics Solutions to Improve Nuclear Power Plant Efficiency: Online Monitoring, Visualization, Prognosis, and Maintenance Decision Making
    K. Liu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • NEUP Project 18-15039: Oxidation of Tristructural Isotropic fuel forms in low oxygen and steam partial pressures and the role of matrix burn off in the oxidation rate at high temperature
    E. Wood, University of Texas, San Antonio
  • NEUP Project 18-15153: Understanding Molten Salt Chemistry Relevant to Advanced Molten Salt Reactors through Complementary Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Modeling
    S. Dai, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • NEUP Project 18-15346: Big Data For Operation and Maintenance Cost Reduction
    C. Smidts, The Ohio State University
  • NEUP Project 17-12496: Group Actinide Separation by Crystallization: A Single-Technology Approach to Used Nuclear Fuel Recycle
    J. Burns, Texas A&M University
  • NEUP Project 17-12549: Critical Heat Flux Studies for Innovative Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Surfaces
    M. Corradini, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • NEUP Project 17-12688:  An Experimental and Analytical Investigation into Critical Heat Flux (CHF) Implications for Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Concepts
    A. Prinja, University of New Mexico
  • NEUP Project 17-12701: Development and Experimental Benchmark of Computational Models to Predict Cladding Temperature and Vapor Removal from UNF Canisters during Drying Operations
    M. Greiner, University of Nevada, Reno
  • NEUP Project 17-12782: Effects of alpha and gamma radiation on complex and metal loaded solvents for advanced solvent extraction processes
    M. Nilsson, University of California, Irvine
  • NEUP Project 17-12798: Nanostructured Ceramic Membranes for Enhanced Tritium Management
    K. Brinkman, Clemson University
  • NEUP Project 17-13011: Gamma-ray Computed and Emission Tomography for Pool-Side Fuel Characterization
    J. Graham, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • NEUP Project 17-13019: Evaluation of Accident Tolerant Fuels Surface Characteristics in Critical Heat Flux Performance
    J. Rojas, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • NEUP Project 17-13054: Simulated Used Nuclear Fuel Dissolution as a Function of Fuel Chemistry and Near Field Conditions
    J. McCloy, Washington State University
  • NEUP Project 17-13708: Development of a Mechanistic Hydride Behavior Model for Spent Fuel Cladding Storage and Transportation
    A. Motta, Pennsylvania State University
  • NEUP Project 17-12506: Development of Reactor Physics Benchmark Evaluations for Power Burst Facility Experiments
    S. Goluoglu, University of Florida
  • NEUP Project 17-12748: Combined Modeling and Experiments to Predict Corrosion and Embrittlement in Dual-Phase Stainless Steels within the MARMOT Framework
    J. Tucker, Oregon State University
  • NEUP Project 17-12797: In-Situ Ion Irradiation to Add Irradiation Assisted Grain Growth to the MARMOT Tool
    A. Motta, Pennsylvania State University
  • NEUP Project 17-12939: Expansion of BISON Capabilities to Predict the Dynamic Response of Irradiated Fuel Rods
    E. Bell, University of New Hampshire
  • NEUP Project 17-13179: Implementation and Validation of Advanced Turbulence Modeling Methods for Liquid Metal Flow in Nek5000
    D. Walters, University of Oklahoma
  • NEUP Project 17-12633: Integrated silicon/chalcogenide glass hybrid plasmonic sensor for monitoring of temperature in nuclear facilities
    M. Mitkova, Boise State University
  • NEUP Project 17-12848: Development of Information Trustworthiness and Integrity Algorithms for Cybersecurity Defenses of Nuclear Power Reactors
    H. Abdel-Khalik, Purdue University
  • NEUP Project 17-12481: Supercritical CO2 power cycle for space applications

    G. Nellis, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 17-12502:  High Resolution Temperature and Flow Measurements in Wire- Wrapped Fuel Assemblies

    R. Vaghetto, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 17-12538: Influence of dissolved salts and impurities in seawater on heat transfer degradation and fluid flow through fuel channels debris bed

    S. Eckels, Kansas State University

  • NEUP Project 17-12547: Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Benchmark Evaluation

    N. Lau, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • NEUP Project 17-12614: Systematic Enterprise Risk Management by Integrating the RISMC Toolkit and Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Z. Mohaghegh, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  • NEUP Project 17-12664: Methods to Predict Thermal Radiation and to Design Scaled Separate and Integral Effects Testing for Molten Salt Reactors

    P. Peterson, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 17-12723: Integrating Static PRA Information with RISMC Simulation Methods

    T. Aldemir, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 17-12972: Design of a Commercial-Scale, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor With Novel Refueling and Decay Heat Removal Capabilities

    V. de Almeida, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

  • NEUP Project 17-13020: Bimetallic Composite (Incoloy 800H/Ni-201) Development and Compatibility in Flowing FLiBe as a Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) Structural Material

    A. Prinja, University of New Mexico

  • NEUP Project 17-13080: Multiscale Investigation of SiC/SiC Composite Degradation in Helium Coolant Operating Environment

    X. Li, University of Virginia

  • NEUP Project 17-13115: Experimental Determination of Helium/air Mixing in Helium Cooled Reactor

    V. Petrov, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 17-13232: Radiative Heat Transport and Optical Characterization of High Temperature Molten Salts

    M. Anderson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 17-14227: Advancements towards ASME nuclear code case for compact heat exchangers

    T. Allen, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 16-10058: An Integrated Multiscale Experimental-Numerical Analysis on Reconsolidation of Salt-Clay Mixture for Disposal of Heat Generating Waste

    W. Sun, Columbia University in the City of New York

  • NEUP Project 16-10088: Americium Separation By Electrochemical Oxidation

    C. Dares, Florida International University

  • NEUP Project 16-10088: Americium Separation By Electrochemical Oxidation

    C. Dares, Florida International University

  • NEUP Project 16-10190: Immobilization of High-Level Waste Salt in Dechlorinated Zeolite Waste Forms

    K. Carlson, University of Utah

  • NEUP Project 16-10204: Phase Equilibria and Thermochemistry of Advanced Fuels: Modeling Burnup Behavior

    T. Besmann, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 16-10221: Alloying Agents to Stabilize Lanthanides Against Fuel Cladding Chemical Interaction: Tellurium and Antimony Studies

    C. Taylor, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10229: Mechanistic Understanding of Silver Sorbent Aging Processes in Off-Gas Treatment

    L. Tavlarides, Syracuse University

  • NEUP Project 16-10375: Energize: An Interactive Evaluation Tool for Engaging the General Public with Energy Decision Making

    L. Shuller-Nickles, Clemson University

  • NEUP Project 16-10394: Integration of Microwave Readout into Nuclear Process Monitoring

    J. Ullom, University of Colorado, Boulder

  • NEUP Project 16-10512: Demand-Driven Cycamore Archetypes

    T. Knight, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 16-10523: A Science Based Approach for Selecting Dopants in FCCI-Resistant Metallic Fuel Systems

    I. Charit, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 16-10667: A Coupled Experimental and Simulation Approach to Investigate the Impact of Grain Growth, Amorphization, and Grain Subdivision in Accident Tolerant U3Si2 Light Water Reactor Fuel

    W. Walters, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10668: Microstructure Experiments-Enabled MARMOT Simulations of SiC/SiC-based Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel Systems

    J. Eapen, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10679: Overcoming Kinetic Barriers to Actinide Recovery in ALSEP

    M. Jensen, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 16-10707: In Situ Spectroscopic Determination of Actinide Speciation and Concentration

    D. Chidambaram, University of Nevada, Reno

  • NEUP Project 16-10730: Visualization Tool for Comparing Low-Carbon Energy Options

    M. Deinert, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 16-10813: Advanced Electrochemical Separations of Actinide/Fission Products via the Control of Nucleation and Growth of Electrodeposits

    B. Pesic, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 16-10821: Microstructure, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties Relationships in U and UZr Alloys

    M. Okuniewski, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 16-10856: Integrating Data Sources for Improved Safeguards and Accountancy of Electrochemical Fuel Reprocessing Streams

    J. Coble, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 16-10925: Understanding fundamental science governing the development and performance of nuclear waste glasses

    A. Goel, Rutgers University

  • NEUP Project 16-10240: Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Benchmark Evaluation

    M. Fratoni, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 16-10241: Development of Transient Capabilities for the NEAMS Neutronics Code PROTEUS

    J. Wharry, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 16-10313: Development of a Comprehensive Two-phase Flow Database for the Validation of NEK-2P

    Y. Liu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10458: Multi-group Transport Cross Section and Diffusion Coefficient Generation for Deterministic Reactor Models Using Monte Carlo Calculations

    K. Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 16-10603: Experimental and Computational Analysis of NEAMS Pebble Bed Reactors

    V. Ugaz, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 16-10744: Support for Reactor Operators in Case of Cyber-Security Threats

    C. Smidts, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10080: Quantifying Properties for a Mechanistic, Predictive Understanding of Aqueous Impact on Ageing of Medium and Low Voltage AC and DC Cabling in Nucleear Power Plants

    B. Hinderliter, University of Minnesota, Duluth

  • NEUP Project 16-10083: Earth Abundant High Temperature Materials for Radioisotope Power Conversion System

    S. Kauzlarich, University of California, Davis

  • NEUP Project 16-10210: Tribological Behavior of Structural Materials in High Temperature Helium Gas-Cooled Reactor Environments

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 16-10226: Enhancement of EM Pump Performance through Modeling and Testing

    M. Anderson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 16-10244: Integral System Testing for Prismatic Block Core Design HTGR

    B. Woods, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10245: An Experimental Study of Design and Performance for the Water-Based Reactor Cavity Cooling System

    R. Vaghetto, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 16-10268: Sodium cooled fast reactor key modeling and analysis for commercial deployment

    R. Vaghetto, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 16-10285: Tribological Damage Mechanisms from Experiments and Validated Simulations of Alloy 800H and Inconel 617 in a Simulated HTGR/VHTR Helium Environment

    F. Sadeghi, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 16-10402: RELAP-7 Application and Enhancement for FLEX Strategies and ATF Behavior under Extended Loss of AC Power Conditions

    D. Wang, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

  • NEUP Project 16-10457: Experimentally Validated Computational Modeling of Creep and Creep-Cracking for Nuclear Concrete Surfaces

    Z. Grasley, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 16-10579: A Computational-Experimental Study to Simulate Mixing and Thermal Stratification in SFRs

    H. Bindra, Kansas State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10630: Validation of RELAP-7 for Forced Convective and Natural Circulation Reactor Flows

    C. Brooks, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • NEUP Project 16-10647: Experimental and Modeling Investigations of Overcooling Transients that include Freezing, in Fluoride-Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs)

    R. Scarlat, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 16-10687: Development and Integration of Light Water Reactor (LWR) Materials Corrosion Degradation Codes into Grizzly

    D. Macdonald, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 16-10732: High Temperature Tribological Performance of Ni Alloys Under Helium Environment for Very High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors (VHTRs)

    A. Polycarpou, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 16-10885: Turbulent MHD Flow Modeling in Annular Linear Induction Pumps with Validation Experiments

    S. Shannon, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 16-10918: CFD and System Code Benchmark Data for Plenum-to-Plenum Flow Under Natural, Mixed and Forced Circulation Conditions

    B. Smith, Utah State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8074: Monitoring of Actinide Concentrations in Molten LiCl-KCl Salt using Alpha Spectroscopy

    L. Cao, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8081: Understanding Influence of Thermal History and Glass Chemistry on Kinetics of Phase Separation and Crystallization in Borosilicate Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Aqueous Reprocessed High Level Waste

    J. McCloy, Washington State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8111: Purification of Zirconium Cladding Using a Chloride Volatility Process

    F. Poineau, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 15-8112: Phase Separation and Crystallization of Complex Borosilicate Melts for Glass-ceramic Waste Forms

    R. Brow, Missouri University of Science and Technology

  • NEUP Project 15-8119: Kr/Xe Separation over Metal Organic Framework Membranes

    M. Carreon, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 15-8126: Fundamental Electrochemical Properties of Liquid Metals in LiC1-KC1 for Separation of Alkali/Alkaline-Earths (Cs, Sr, and Ba)

    H. Kim, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8243: Radiation-induced Swelling and Microcracking in SiC Cladding for LWRs

    I. Szlufarska, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 15-8265: Electrically-Assisted Tubing Processes for Enhancing Manufacturability of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Structural Materials for Nuclear Reactor Applications

    J. Cao, Northwestern University

  • NEUP Project 15-8286: Used Fuel Storage Monitoring Using Helium-4 Scintillation Fast Neutron Detectors and Neutron Spectral Analysis

    A. Enqvist, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 15-8323: Purification of Zirconium Tetrachloride from UNF Cladding

    C. Barnes, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 15-8347: Multilayer Composite Fuel Cladding for LWR Performance Enhancement and Severe Accident Tolerance

    M. Short, Massachusette Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 15-8439: Developing a Macro-scale SiC-cladding Behavior Model Based on Localized Mechanical and Thermal Property Evaluation on Pre- and Post-Irradiation SiC-SiC Composites

    P. Hosemann, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 15-8514: Elucidation of the Kinetics of Advanced Separation Systems

    S. Mezyk, California State University, Long Beach

  • NEUP Project 15-8536: Quantitative Prediction of Uranium Speciation and Amidoxime Binding in Seawater from Advanced Simulation Techniques

    D. Jiang, University of California, Riverside

  • NEUP Project 15-8603: Building Quantitative Relationships Between Ligand Structure and Its Reactivity with Organic Radical Species

    S. Mezyk, California State University, Long Beach

  • NEUP Project 15-8663: Enhancement of the Extraction of Uranium from Seawater

    M. Al-Sheikhly, University of Maryland

  • NEUP Project 15-8717: Understanding the Interactions of Seawater Ions with Amidoxime through X-Ray Crystallography

    R. Rogers, University of Alabama

  • NEUP Project 15-8752: Radiation Effects on High Thermal Conductivity Fuels

    S. Zinkle, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 15-8743: Benchmark Evaluation of TREAT Reactor M2 and M3 Transient Experiments

    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8101: Development of Critical Experiments to Provide Validation Data for Multiphysics Coupling Methods

    P. Caracappa, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • NEUP Project 15-8208: Development of a Novel Accelerator for Neutron Transport Solution Using the Galerkin Spectral Element Methods

    D. Wang, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

  • NEUP Project 15-8210: A Transient Reactor Physics Experiment with High-Fidelity, 3-D Flux Measurements for Verification and Validation

    J. Roberts, Kansas State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8229: Thermal Transport and Fracture Behavior of Sintered Fuel Pellets: Experimental Validation of NEAMS Tool MARMOT

    J. Lian, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • NEUP Project 15-8576: Measurements of Fission Gas Release from Nuclear Fuel in Support of BISON Fuel Performance Analysis

    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8228: Cyber Security Analysis for Nuclear Reactor Control Systems

    P. Hawrylak, University of Tulsa

  • NEUP Project 15-8338: Methodology Development for Cybersecurity Robustness and Vulnerability Assessment of University Research Reactors: A Case Study Using the PULSATR Reactor

    B. Wehring/A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 15-7983: Steady-State Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis and Bowing Reactivity Evaluation Methods Based on Neutron and Gamma Transport Calculations

    J. Wharry, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 15-8000: The Influences of Neutron Irradiation on Aggregate Induced Degradatioon of Concrete

    G. Sant, University of California, Los Angeles

  • NEUP Project 15-8121: Automatic Imagery Data Analysis for Proactive Computer-Based Workflow Management during Nuclear Power Plant Outages

    P. Tang, Arizona State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8205: Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection and Natural Circulation Cooling of a VHTR Core under Normal Operation and Accident Scenarios

    M. Kawaji, City College of New York

  • NEUP Project 15-8251: Enhanced Performance Fast Reactors with Engineered Passive Safety Systems

    E. Greenspan, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 15-8258: Physics-Based Probabilistic Model of the Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Polymeric Insulators of Electric Cables used in Nuclear Power Plants

    A. Mosleh, University of California, Los Angeles

  • NEUP Project 15-8308: Creep and Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Mechanisms in Alloy 709

    A. Rabiei, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8352: Development and Demonstration of an In-Situ Tritium Scavenger

    R. Scarlat, University of Wisconsin – Madison

  • NEUP Project 15-8432: Multi-Scale Experimental Study of Creep-Fatigue Failure Initiation in a 709 Stainless Steel Alloy Using High Resolution Digital Image Correlation

    J. Lambros, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • NEUP Project 15-8489: Modeling and Validation of Irradiation Damage in Ni-based Alloys for Long-Term LWR Applications

    J. Tucker, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8495: Advancement of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology through Round Robin Testing and Fundamental Modeling

    J. Tucker, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8548: Assessment of Aging Degradation Mechanisms of Alloy 709 for Sodium Fast Reactors

    K. Findley, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 15-8582: Mechanistic and Validated Creep/Fatigue Predictions for Alloy 709 from Accelerated Experiments and Simulations

    M. Korukonda, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 15-8599: Am-241 Nuclear Safety and Environmental Interactions

    S. Loyalka, University of Missouri – Columbia

  • NEUP Project 15-8623: Characterization of Creep- Fatigue Crack Growth in Alloy 709 and Prediction of Service Lives in Nuclear Reactor Components

    G. Potirniche, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 15-8627: Experimental Validation Data and Computational Models for Turbulent Mixing of Bypass and Coolant Jet Flows in Gas-Cooled Reactors

    M. Kimber, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 15-8667: Experimental Validation of a Compact Double-Walled Twisted-Tube Heat Exchanger Concept

    E. Blandford, University of New Mexico

  • NEUP Project 8458: Multiple Degradation Mechanisms in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Modeling and Risk Analysis

    R. Ballarini, University of Houston

  • NEUP Project 14-6285: Apatite and Sodalite Based Glass-Bonded Waste Forms for Immobilization of 129I and Mixed Halide Radioactive Wastes

    A. Goel, Rutgers University

  • NEUP Project 14-6309: Zeolite Membranes for Krypton/Xenon Separation from Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Off-Gas

    S. Nair, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 14-6311: SiC-ODS Alloy Gradient Nanocomposites as Novel Cladding Materials

    K. Lu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6317: Assessment of Corrosion Resistance of Candidate Alloys for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Under Reactor Conditions

    D. Bartels, University of Notre Dame

  • NEUP Project 14-6356: Development of Self-Healing Zirconium-Silicide Coatings for Improved Performance Zirconium-Alloy Fuel Cladding

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 14-6357: A New Paradigm for Understanding Multiphase Ceramic Waste Form Performance

    K. Brinkman, Clemson University

  • NEUP Project 14-6377: Selectivity in Ligand Binding to Uranyl Compounds: A Synthetic, Structural, Thermodynamic and Computational Study

    J. Arnold, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 14-6378: Improved Hybrid Modeling of Spent Fuel Storage Facilities

    K. van Bibber, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 14-6423: Sorption Modeling and Verification for Off-Gas Treatment

    L. Tavlarides, Syracuse University

  • NEUP Project 14-6472: Computational and Experimental Studies of Microstructure-Scale Porosity in Metallic Fuels for Improved Gas Swelling Behavior

    P. Millett, University of Arkansas

  • NEUP Project 14-6482: Studies of Lanthanide Transport in Metallic Fuel

    J. Zhang, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6489: Rare Earth Electrochemical Property Measurements and Phase Diagram Development in a Complex Molten Salt Mixture for Molten Salt Recycle

    J. Zhang, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6542: Development and Optimization of Voltammetric Methods for Real Time Analysis of Electrorefiner Salt with High Concentrations of Actinides and Fission Products

    M. Simpson, University of Utah

  • NEUP Project 14-6542: Development and Optimization of Voltammetric Methods for Real Time Analysis of Electrorefiner Salt with High Concentrations of Actinides and Fission Products

    M. Simpson, University of Utah

  • NEUP Project 14-6557: Extraction of Uranium from Seawater: Design and Testing of a Symbiotic System

    A, Slocum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 14-6604: Development of High Performance ODS Alloys

    L. Shao, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 14-6628: Functionalized Porous Organic Polymers as Uranium Nano-Traps for Efficient Recovery of Uranium from Seawater

    S. Ma, University of South Florida

  • NEUP Project 14-6651: Controlling Hexavalent Americium – A Centerpeice to a Compact Nuclear Fuel Cycle

    J. Braley, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 14-6656: Imaging a Dry Storage Cask with Cosmic Ray Muons

    H. Yang, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6702: Combining Experiments and Simulations of Extraction Kinetics and Thermodynamics in Advanced Separation Processes for Used Nuclear Fuel

    M. Nilsson, University of California, Irvine

  • NEUP Project 14-6767: Thermal Conductivity of Metallic Fuel

    C. Hin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6789: Optimizing Polymer-Grafted Amidoxime-based Adsorbents for Uranium Uptake from Seawater

    S. Yiacoumi, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 14-6893: Enhanced Accident-Tolerant Fuel Performance and Reliability for Aggressive iPWR/SMR Operation

    I. Maldonado, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 14-6909: Effect of Metallic Li on the Behavior of Metals in Molten Salts

    D. Chidambaram, University of Nevada, Reno

  • NEUP Project 14-6950: Nuclear Technology R&D Strategies in an Era of Energy Price Uncertainty

    S. Landsberger, University of Texas, Austin

  • NEUP Project 14-6391: Benchmark Evaluation of PROTEUS Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiments

    A. Enqvist, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 14-6700: Experimental Breeder Reactor II Benchmark Evaluation

    C. Pope, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6742: Integral Full Core Multi-Physics PWR Benchmark with Measured Data

    B. Forget, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 14-6382: Experimental Validation of UO2 Microstructural Evolutions for NEAMS Tool MARMOT

    Y. Yang, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 14-6552: High-resolution Time-resolved Experiments on Mixing and Entrainment of Buoyant Jets in Stratified Environments

    A. Manera, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 14-6770: An Investigation to Establish Multiphysical Property Dataset of Nuclear Materials Based on in-situ Observations and Measurements

    V. Tomas, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 14-6346: Integrated Computational Study of Radiation Damage Effects in Grade 92 Steel and Alloy 709

    H. Xu, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 14-6432: Coiled Tube Gas Heaters for Nuclear Gas-Brayton Power Conversion

    P. Peterson, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 14-6435: Fluid Stratification Separate Effects Analysis, Testing and Benchmarking

    A. Klein, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6442: Probabilistic Economic Valuation of Safety Margin Management

    A. Klein, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6562: Development of Novel Functionally Graded Transition Joints for Improving the Creep Strength of Dissimilar Metal Welds in Nuclear Applications

    J. DuPont, Lehigh University

  • NEUP Project 14-6624: Meta-Level Design Guidance and Operator Performance Measures for Hybrid Control Rooms

    M. Weinger, Vanderbilt University

  • NEUP Project 14-6670: Fundamental Study of Key Issues Related to Advanced S-CO2 Brayton Cycle: Prototypic HX Development and Cavitation

    D. Ranjan, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 14-6701: Multi-Phase Model Development to Assess RCIC System Capabilities Under Severe Accident Conditions

    K. Vierow Kirkland, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 14-6762: Fundamental Studies of Irradiation-Induced Modifications in Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Alloys

    J. Stubbins, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

  • NEUP Project 14-6782: Development and Deployment Assessment of a Melt-Down Proof Modular Micro Reactor (MDP-MMR)”

    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6786: Experimental Investigation and CFD Analysis of Steam Ingress Accidents in HTGRs

    R. Christensen, Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6794: Scaling Studies for Advanced High Temperature Reactor Concepts

    B. Woods, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6803: Novel Dissimilar Joints Between Alloy 800H and 2.25%Cr and 1%Mo Steel

    T. DebRoy, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 14-6863: Advanced Models for Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Nuclear Power Plant Cables

    N. Bowler, Iowa State University

  • NEUP Project 13-4758: Mixed Metal Phosphonate-Phosphate Resins for Separation of Lanthanides from Actinides

    A. Clearfield, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 13-4761: Off-Gas Treatment: Evaluation of Nano-Structured Sorbents for Selective Removal of Contaminants

    V. Utgikar, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 13-4783: Development of Fuel Cycle Data Packages for Two-Stage Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Options for Optimum Resource Utilization and Waste Management

    W. S. Yang, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 13-4815: Fission Fragment Yield Data in Support of Advanced Reactor Technology

    A. Hecht, University of New Mexico

  • NEUP Project 13-4818: Multiphase Nanocrystalline Ceramic Concept for Nuclear Fuel

    M. Mecartney, University of California, Irvine

  • NEUP Project 13-4823: In-pile Thermal Conductivity Characterization with Time Resolved Raman

    X. Wang, Iowa State University

  • NEUP Project 13-4834: Improving the Understanding of the Coupled Thermal-Mechanical-Hydrologic Behavior of Consolidating Granular Salt

    J. Stormont, University of New Mexico

  • NEUP Project 13-4835: Microwave Readout Techniques for Very Large Arrays of Nuclear Sensors

    J. Ullom, University of Colorado, Boulder

  • NEUP Project 13-4840: Development of a Nano-Modified Concrete for Next Generation of Storage Systems

    F. Sanchez, Vanderbilt University

  • NEUP Project 13-4855: Bil3 Gamma-Ray Spectrometers for Reliable Room Temperature Nuclear Materials Safeguarding

    J. Nino, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 13-4905: Advances in the Recovery of Uranium from Seawater: Studies Under Real Ocean Conditions

    K. Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

  • NEUP Project 13-4908: Safeguards in Pyroprocessing: an Integrated Model Development and Measurement Data Analysis

    J. Zhang, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 13-4926: Glass Composition and Solution Speciation Effects on Stage III Dissolution

    C. Pantano, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 13-4999: Enhancement of Extraction of Uranium from Seawater

    M. Al-Sheikhly, University of Maryland, College Park

  • NEUP Project 13-5004: Innovative Elution Processes for Recovering Uranium and Transition Metals from Amidoxime-based Adsorbents

    C. Wai, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 13-5008: The Impacts of Pore-Scale Physical and Chemical Heterogeneities on the Transport of Radionuclide-Carrying Colloids

    N. Wu, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 13-5059: Performance of Steel/Oxide Composite Waste Form for Combined Waste Streams from Advanced Electrochemical Processes

    J.E. Indacochea, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • NEUP Project 13-5106: Risk Assessment of Structural Integrity of Transportation Casks after Extended Storage

    L. Ibarra, University of Utah

  • NEUP Project 13-5124: Organic Speciation and Interactions in ALSEP – One Step Partitioning Process of Minor Actinides, Lanthanides, and Fission Products

    A. Paulenova, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5149: Recovery of Uranium from Seawater: Modified Polyacrylonitrile Fibers as Selective Extractants

    S. Alexandratos, Hunter College of the City University of New York

  • NEUP Project 13-5161: Developing Ultra-small Scale Mechanical Testing Methods and Microstructural Investigation Procedures for Irradiated Materials

    P. Hosemann, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 13-5178: Structural Health Monitoring of Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage Facilities

    P. Yu, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 13-5209: Market-based and System-wide Fuel Cycle Optimization

    P. Wilson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 13-5220: Development of Fuel Cycle Data Packages for Thorium Fuel Cycle Options

    S. Krahn, Vanderbilt University

  • NEUP Project 13-5292: Correlating Thermal and Mechanical Coupling Based Multiphysics Behavior of Nuclear Materials through In-Situ Measurements

    V. Tomar, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 13-5308: Innovative Coating of Nanostructured Vanadium Carbide on the F/M Cladding Tube Inner Surface for Mitigating the Fuel Cladding Chemical Interactions

    Y. Yang, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 13-5332: Development of Novel Porous Sorbents for Extraction of Uranium from Seawater

    W. Lin, University of Chicago

  • NEUP Project 13-5346: U3Si2 Fabrication and Testing for Implementation into the BISON Fuel Performance Code

    T. Knight, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 13-5350: Managing Zirconium Chemistry and Phase Compatibility in Combined Process Separations for Minor Actinide Partitioning

    N. Wall, Washington State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5365: Doubling the Life of Concrete Structures

    B. Pesic, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 13-5376: Creation of a Geant4 Muon Tomography Package for Imaging of Nuclear Fuel in Dry Cask Storage

    L. Tsoukalas, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 13-5415: ORIGEN-based Nuclear Fuel Inventory Module for Fuel Cycle Assessment

    S. Skutnik, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 13-5427: Enhanced Shielding Performance of HLW Storage Packages via Multi-Component Coatings

    L. Winfrey*, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (*University of Florida at the time of publication)

  • NEUP Project 13-5443: Optical Fiber Based System for Multiple Thermophysical Properties for Glove Box, Hot Cell and In-Pile Application

    H. Ban, Utah State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5482: Thermally and Chemically Responsive Nanoporous Materials for Efficient Capture of Fission Product Gases

    R. Faller, University of California, Davis

  • NEUP Project 13-5484: Cost and Systems Analysis of Innovative Fuel Resources Concepts

    E. Schneider, University of Texas at Austin

  • NEUP Project 13-5485: Improved Delayed-Neutron Spectroscopy Using Trapped Ions

    E. Norman, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 13-5494: Molecular Dynamics-based Simulations of Bulk/Interfacial Structures and Diffusion Behaviors in Nuclear Waste Glasses

    J. Du, University of North Texas

  • NEUP Project 13-5505: Mechanical Behavior of UO2 at Sub-Grain Length Scales: Quantification of Elastic, Plastic and Creep Properties via Microscale Testing

    P. Peralta, Arizona State University

  • NEUP Projoect 13-5476: Using Ionic Liquids for the Development of Renewable Biopolymer-Based Adsorbents for the Extraction of Uranium from Seawater and Testing Under Marine Conditions

    R. Rogers, University of Alabama

  • NEUP Project 13-5180: Three Dimensional Fuel Pin Model Validation by Prediction of Hydrogen Distribution in Cladding and Comparison with Experiment

    K. Ivanov, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5328: Collocation-based Surrogate Models for Uncertainty Quantification and Validation of Coupled, Multiphysics Fuel Performance Simulation Tools

    T. Downar, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 13-5408: Lower Length Scale Characterization and Validation of Formation and Stability of Helium Bubbles in Nano-structured Ferritic Alloys under Irradiation

    H. Zhao, Clemson University

  • NEUP Project 13-4765: Investigation of Thermal Aging Effects on the Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Duplex Stainless Steel

    S. Ankem, University of Maryland, College Park

  • NEUP Project 13-4791: New Mechanistic Models of Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Interactions for Advanced High Temperature Reactor Components

    J. Kruzic, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 13-4804: Novel High Temperature and Radiation Resistant Infrared Glasses and Optical Fibers for Sensing in Advanced Small Modular Reactors

    J. Ballato, Clemson University

  • NEUP Project 13-4859: Advanced I&C for Fault-Tolerant Supervisory Control of Small Modular Reactors

    D. Cole, University of Pittsburgh

  • NEUP Project 13-4884: Validation Data Acquisition in HTTF during PCC Events

    P. Bardet, George Washington University

  • NEUP Project 13-4900: Corrosion of Structural Materials for Advanced Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide Brayton Cycle

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 13-4948: Fundamental Understanding of Creep-Fatigue Interactions in 9Cr-1MoV Steel Welds

    W. Zhang, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 13-4953: Experimental and Computational Investigations of Plenum-to-Plenum Heat Transfer and Gas Dynamics under Natural Circulation in a Prismatic Very High Temperature Reactor

    M. Al-Dahhan, Missouri University of Science and Technology

  • NEUP Project 13-4955: Component and Technology Development for Advanced Liquid Metal Reactors

    M. Anderson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 13-5000: Model Validation Using CFD-grade Experimental Database for NGNP Reactor Cavity Cooling Systems with Water and Air

    A. Manera, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 13-5039: Multi Resolution In-Situ Testing and Multiscale Simulation for Creep Fatigue Damage Analysis of Alloy 617

    Y. Liu, Arizona State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5101: Compact Heat Exchanger Design and Testing for Advanced Reactors and Advanced Power Cycle

    X. Sun, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5142: Advanced Mechanistic 3D Spatial Modeling and Analysis Methods to Accurately Represent Nuclear Facility External Event Scenarios

    H. Sezen, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5144: A Pebble-Bed Breed and Burn Reactor

    E. Greenspan, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 13-5150: Advanced High Temperature Inspection Capabilities for Small Modular Reactors

    L. Bond, Iowa State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5252: Long-term Prediction of Emissivity of Structural Materials for High Temperature Reactor Systems

    R. Tompson, University of Missouri

  • NEUP Project 13-5360: Tritium Migration/Control for Advanced Reactor Systems

    R. Christensen, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 13-5479: Self-powered Wireless Dual-mode Langasite Sensor for Pressure/Temperature Monitoring of Nuclear Reactors

    C. Shikui, Stony Brook University, NY

  • NEUP Project 12-3298: Optimization of Deep Borehole Systems for HLW Disposal

    M. Driscoll, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 12-3358: Measurement of Irradiated Pyroprocessing Samples via Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    S. Phongikaroon, Virginia Commonwealth University

  • NEUP Project 12-3361: Coupling of Nuclear Waste Form Corrosion and Radionuclide Transports in Presence of Relevant Repository Sediments

    N. Wall, Washington State University

  • NEUP Project 12-3367: Prototype Demonstration of Gamma-Blind Tensioned Metastable Fluid Neutron/Muliplicity/Alpha Detector – Real Time Methods for Advanced Fuel Cycle Options

    S. McDeavitt, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 12-3374: Validation Experiments for Spent-Fuel Dry-Cask In-Basket Convection

    B. Smith, Utah State University

  • NEUP Project 12-3391: Re-Branding the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

    S. Bilbao y Leon, Virginia Commonwealth University

  • NEUP Project 12-3396: Scholarship for Nuclear Communications and Methods for Evaluation of Nuclear Project Acceptability

    M. Golay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 12-3411: Elastic/Inelastic Measurement Project

    S. Yates, University of Kentucky

  • NEUP Project 12-3420: Surface Layer Bulk Glass Interface Evolution with Aqueous Corrosion

    N. Mellott, Alfred University

  • NEUP Project 12-3438: Novel Metal Sulfides to Achieve Effective Capture and Durable Consolidation of Radionuclides

    M. Kanatzidis, Northwestern University

  • NEUP Project 12-3445: Thermodynamic and Microstructural Mechanisms in the Corrosion of Advanced Ceramic Tc-bearing Waste Forms and Thermophysical Properties

    T. Hartmann, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 12-3451: Improved Accident Tolerance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Cladding through Colossal Supersaturation with Interstitial Solutes

    F. Ernst, Case Western Reserve University

  • NEUP Project 12-3456: Testing of Sapphire Optical Fiber and Sensors in Intense Radiation Fields When Subjected to Very High Temperatures

    T. Blue, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 12-3494: Accurate Holdup Calculations with Predictive Modeling & Data Integration

    Y. Azmy, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 12-3528: Radiation and Thermal Effects on Used Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Waste Forms

    W. Weber, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 12-3545: Concrete Materials with Ultra-High Damage Resistance and Self-Sensing Capacity for Extended Nuclear Fuel Storage Systems

    M. Li, University of California, Irvine

  • NEUP Project 12-3565: Better Radiation Response and Accident Tolerance of Nanostructured Ceramic Fuel Materials?

    Y. Zhang, University of Tennessee

  • NEUP Project 12-3660: Development and Experimental Benchmark of Simulations to Predict Used Nuclear Fuel Cladding Temperatures during Drying and Transfer Operations

    M. Greiner, University of Nevada, Reno

  • NEUP Project 12-3730: Probabilistic Multi-Hazard Assessment of Dry Cask Structures

    B. Bencturk, University of Houston

  • NEUP Project 12-3736: Nonlinear Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Prognosis of ASR Damage in Dry Cask Storage

    J. Qu, Northwestern University

  • NEUP Project 12-3756: Seismic Performance of Dry Casks Storage for Long-Term Exposure

    L. Ibarra, University of Utah

  • NEUP Project 12-3809: Alternative High-Performance Ceramic Waste Forms

    S.K. Sundaram, Alfred University

  • NEUP Project 12-3815: Advanced Characterization of Molecular Interactions in TALSPEAK-like Separations Systems

    K. Nash, Washington State University

  • NEUP Project 12-4026: Electrochemical Corrosion Studies for Modeling Metallic Waste Form Release Rates

    F. Poineau, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 12-4037: Development of Innovative Accident Tolerant High Thermal Conductivity U02-Diamond Composite Fuel Pellets

    J. Tulenko, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 12-3326: Stationary Liquid Fuel Fast Reactor

    W. Sik Yang, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 12-3486: Advanced Burner Reactor with Breed-and-Burn Thorium Blankets for Improved Economics and Resource Utilization

    E. Greenspan, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 12-3595: Reducing Actinide Production Using Inert Matrix Fuels

    M. Deinert, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 12-3714: New Materials for High Temperature Thermoelectric Power Generation

    S. Kauzlarich, University of California, Davis

  • NEUP Project 12-3834: High Hydrogen Content Graphene Hydride Compounds & High Cross-Section Cladding Coatings for Fast Neutron Detection

    MVS Chandrashekhar, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 12-3923: Microscopic Fuel Particles Produced by Self-Assembly of Actinide Nanoclusters on Carbon Nanomaterials

    C. Na, University of Notre Dame

  • NEUP Project 12-4065: An Integreated Fuel Depletion Calculator for Fuel Cycle Options Analysis

    E. Schneider, University of Texas, Austin

  • NEUP Project 12-3382: Atomic-scale to Meso-scale Simulation Studies of Thermal Ageing and Irradiation Effects in Fe-Cr Alloys

    H. E. Stanley, Boston University

  • NEUP Project 12-3507: Uncertainty Quantification and Management for Multi-scale Nuclear Materials Modeling

    D. McDowell, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 12-3549: Validation Data and Model Development for Fuel Assembly Response to Seismic Loads

    P. Bardet, George Washington University

  • NEUP Project 12-3306: Nonlinear Ultrasonic Techniques to Monitor Radiation Damage in RPV and Internal Components

    L. Jacobs, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 12-3318: Advanced Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle Development

    M. Anderson, University of Wisonsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 12-3331: Thermoelectric-Driven Sustainable Sensing and Actuation Systems for Fault-Tolerant Nuclear Incidents

    J. Longtin, State University of New York, Stony Brook

  • NEUP Project 12-3357: Role of Defects in Swelling and Creep of Irradiated SiC

    I. Szlufarska, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 12-3363: Advanced Reactors-Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX) Coupling: Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Validation

    V. Utgikar, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 12-3430: Mitigating IASCC of Reactor Core Internals by Post-Irradiation Annealing

    G. Was, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 12-3496: Investigation of Natural Circulation Instability and Transients in Passively Safe Small Modular Reactors

    M. Ishii, Purdue University

  • NEUP Project 12-3510: Demonstrating Hybrid Heat Transport and Energy Conversion System Performance Characterization Using Intelligent Control Systems

    L. Ostrum, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 12-3541: Accelerated Irradiations for High Dose Microstructures in Fast Reactor Alloys

    Z. Jiao, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 12-3582: Experimentally Validated Numerical Models of Non-Isothermal Turbulent Mixing in High Temperature Reactors

    M. Kimber, University of Pittsburgh

  • NEUP Project 12-3630: Integral Reactor Containment Condensation Model and Experimental Validation

    Q. Wu, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 12-3759: Experimental and CFD Studies of Coolant Flow Mixing within Scaled Models of the Upper and Lower Plenums of NGNP Gas-Cooled Reactors

    Y. Hassan , Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 12-3870: Fuel and Core Design Options to Overcome the Heavy Metal Loading Limit and Improve Performance and Safety of Liquid Salt Cooled Reactors

    B. Petrovic, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 12-3882: Irradiation Performance of Fe-Cr Base Alloys

    J. Stubbins, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  • NEUP Project 11-2987: Anisotropic Azimuthal Power and Temperature distribution on FuelRod: Impact on Hydride Distribution

    A. Motta, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3035: Active Interrogation using Photofission Technique for Nuclear Materials Control and Accountability

    H. Yang, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3041: Development of Advanced High Uranium Density Fuels for Light Water Reactors

    J. Blanchard, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 11-3054: Fission Product Transmutation in Mixed Radiation Fields

    F. Harmon, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3066: Developing the User Experience for a Next Generation Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulator (NGFCS)

    P. Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 11-3105: Radionuclide Incorporation and Long Term Performance of Apatite Waste Forms

    J. Wang, Louisiana State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3117: Life Prediction of Spent Fuel Storage Canister Material

    R. Ballinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 11-3120: Microemulsions and Aggregation Formation in Extraction Processes for Used Nuclear Fuel: Thermodynamic and Structural Studies

    M. Nilsson, University of California, Irvine

  • NEUP Project 11-3138: Actinide Foil Production for MPACT Research

    D. Beller, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 11-3150: Optimized Compositional Design and Processing-Fabrication Paths for Larger Heats of Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys

    G. R. Odette, University of California, Santa Barbara

  • NEUP Project 11-3175: Sorption Modeling and Verification for Off-Gas Treatment

    L. Tavlarides, Syracuse University

  • NEUP Project 11-3178: Basic Physics Data: Measurement of Neutron Multiplicity from Induced Fission

    S. Pozzi, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 11-3180: Quantification of Cation Sorption to Engineered Barrier Materials Under Extreme Conditions

    B. Powell, Clemson University

  • NEUP Project 11-3230: Enriched Boron-Doped Amorphous Selenium Based Position-Sensitive Solid-State Thermal Neutron Detector for MPACT Applications

    K. Mandal, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 11-3247: In-Pile Instrumentation Multi-Parameter System Utilizing Photonic Fibers and Nanovision

    E. Burgett, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3248: Development of Plasmonically Cloaked Nanoparticles

    E. Burgett, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 15-6542: Development and Optimization of Voltammetric Methods for Real Time Analysis of Electrorefiner Salt with High Concentrations of Actinides and Fission Products

    M. Simpson, Univeristy of Utah

  • NEUP Project 11-3004: A High Temperature-tolerant and Radiation-resistant In-core Neutron Sensor for Advanced Reactors

    L. Cao, Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3046: High Temperature Transducers for Online Monitoring of Microstructure Evolution

    C. Lissenden, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3049: Selectivity in Ligand Binding to Uranyl Compounds: A Synthetic, Structural, Thermodynamic and Computational Study

    J. Arnold, University of California-Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 11-3059: Enhancement of the Extraction of the Uranium from Seawater

    M. Al-Sheikhly, University of Maryland

  • NEUP Project 11-3095: Rapid Computer Aided Ligand Design and Screening of Precious Metal Extractants from TRUEX Raffinate with Experimental Validation

    A. Clark, Washington State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3097: Feasibility and Safety Assessment for Advanced Reactor Concepts Using Vented Fuel

    A. Klein, Oregon State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3099: Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding of Thick Section Ni-base Alloys – Advanced Modeling and Experiments

    T. Debroy, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3115: Recovery of Uranium from Seawater: Preparation and Development of Polymer-Supported Extractants

    S. Alexandratos, CUNY, Hunter College

  • NEUP Project 11-3123: Functionalized High Molecular Weight Chitinous Nanofibers from Direct Extraction of Shrimp Shells for Novel Uranium from Seawater Sorbents

    R. Rogers, University of Alabama

  • NEUP Project 11-3148: Improved Safety Margin Characterization of Risk from Loss of Offsite Power

    P. Nelson, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 11-3149: Correlates of Sensitive Technologies

    P. Nelson, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 11-3151: Development of Novel Sorbents for Uranium Extraction from Seawater

    W. Lin, University of Chicago

  • NEUP Project 11-3152: Transient Safety Analysis of Fast Spectrum TRU Burning LWR with Internal Blankets

    T. Downar, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 11-3162: Pathway Aggregation in the Risk Assessment of Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP) of Nuclear Energy Systems

    T. Aldemir, Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3196: Radiation Behavior of High-Entropy Alloys for Advanced Reactors

    P. Liaw, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 11-3219: Development of Seismic Isolation Systems Using Periodic Materials

    Y. Mo, University of Houston

  • NEUP Project 11-3225: One-Dimensional Nanostructures for Neutron Detection

    Y. Zhu, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3251: Development of Austenitic ODS Strengthened Alloys for Very High Temperature Applications

    J. Stubbins, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign

  • NEUP Project 11-3256: Innovative Elution Processes for Recovering Uranium from Seawater

    C. Wai, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 11-2979: Development of Multiscale Materials Modeling Techniques and Coarse-Graining Strategies for Predicting Materials Degradation in Extreme Irradiation Environments

    B. Wirth, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 11-3006: Development of an Efficient Meso-scale Multi-phase Flow Solver in Nuclear Applications

    T. Lee, CCNY, City University of New York

  • NEUP Project 11-3033: Characterization and Modeling of Grain Boundary Chemistry Evolution in Ferritic Steels under Irradiation

    E. Marquis, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 11-3056: Multiscale Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification for Nuclear Fuel Performance

    D. Estep, Colorado State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3194: Phenomena-based Uncertainty Quantification in Predictive Coupled-Physics Reactor Simulations

    M. Adams, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 11-3195: Fundamental Studies of the Role of Grain Boundaries on Uniform Corrosion of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Materials

    M. Taheri, Drexel University

  • NEUP Project 11-3114: A New Light Weight Structural Material for Nuclear Structures

    A. Rabiei, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3231: Diffusion, Thermal Properties and Chemical Compatibilities of Select MAX Phases with Materials For Advanced Nuclear Systems

    M. Barsoum, Drexel University

  • NEUP Project 11-2982: A Research Program for Fission Product/Dust Transport in HTGR’s

    S. Loyalka, University of Missouri, Columbia

  • NEUP Project 11-2988: Ag Transport Through Non-Irradiated and Irradiated SIC

    I. Szlufarska, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 11-3023: Self-Sustaining Thorium Boiling Water Reactors

    E. Greenspan, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 11-3030: Methodology Development for Passive Component Reliability Modeling in a Multi-Physics Simulation Environment

    T. Aldemir, Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3039: Technical Development for S-CO2 Advanced Energy Conversion

    M. Anderson, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 11-3079: Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of an Experimental Reactor Cavity Cooling System with Air

    M. Corradini, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 11-3080: Critical Heat Flux Phenomena at High Pressure & Low Mass Fluxes

    M. Corradini, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 11-3081: Transient Mixed Convection Validation for NGNP

    B. Smith, Utah State University

  • NEUP Project 11-3104: Development and Validation of a Lifecycle-based Prognostics Architecture with Test Bed Validation

    J. Hines, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 11-3126: Graphite Microstructural Characterization Using Time-Domain and Correlation-Based Ultrasonics

    J. Spicer, John Hopkins University

  • NEUP Project 11-3172: Pebble Fuel Handling and Reactivity Control for Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactors

    P. Peterson, University of California-Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 11-3176: High Fluency Low Flux Embrittlement Models of LWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Embrittlement and a Supporting Database from the UCSB ATR-2 Irradiation Experiment

    G. R. Odette, University of California, Santa Barbara

  • NEUP Project 11-3212: In-situ Condition Monitoring of Components in Small Modular Reactors Using Process and Electrical Signature Analysis

    B. Upadhyaya, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 11-3218: Investigation of Abnormal Heat Transfer and Flow in a VHTR Reactor Core

    M. Kawaji, The City College of New York

  • NEUP Project 10-848: Freeze-Casting as a Novel Manufacturing Process for Fast Reactor Fuels

    U. Wegst, Dartmouth College

  • NEUP Project 10-852: Development of a Self Biased High Efficiency Solid-State Neutron Detector for MPACT Applications

    Y. Danon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • NEUP Project 10-881: Advanced Aqueous Separation Systems for Actinide Partitioning

    K. Nash, Washington State University

  • NEUP Project 10-897: Implementation of On-the-Fly Doppler Broadening in MCNP5 for Multiphysics Simulation of Nuclear Reactors

    W. Martin, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 10-910: Alpha Radiolysis of Nuclear Solvent Extraction Ligands Used for An(III) and Ln(III) Separations

    S. Mezyk, California State University, Long Beach

  • NEUP Project 10-911: Exploration and Modeling of Structural Changes in Waste Glass Under Corrosion

    C. Pantano, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 10-917: Development of Innovative High Thermal Conductivity UO2 Ceramic Composites Fuel Pellets with Carbon Nano-Tubes Using Spark Plasma Sintering

    G. Subhash, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 10-928: Fuel Performance Experiments on the Atomistic Level, Studying Fuel Through Engineered Single Crystal UO2

    E. Burgett, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 10-938: Modeling Solute Thermokinetics in LiCl-KCl Molten Salt for Nuclear Waste Separations

    D. Morgan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 10-939: The Influence of Adding Physics on Predictive Maturity of a Numerical Code

    S. Atamturktur, University of Clemson

  • NEUP Project 10-958: Characterization and Modeling of Materials for Kr-Xe Separations

    P. Forster, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 10-961: Evaluation of Aluminum-Boron Carbide Neutron Absorbing Materials for Interim Storage of Used Nuclear Fuel

    L. Wang, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 10-964: Methods and Tools to Allow Molecular Flow Simulations to be Coupled to Higher Level Continuum Descriptions of Flows in Porous/Fractured Media and Aerosol/Dust Dynamics

    S. Loyalka, University of Missouri-Columbia

  • NEUP Project 10-678: Microstructure and Property Evolution in Advanced Cladding and Duct Materials Under Long-Term and Elevated Temperature: Critical Experiments

    G. Was, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 10-681: Novel Methods of Tritium Sequestration: High Temperature Gettering and Separation Membrane Materials Discovery for Nuclear Energy Systems

    F. Chen, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 10-849: Investigation of a Novel NDE Method for Monitoring Thermo-Mechanical Damage and Microstructure Evolution in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

    P. Nagy, University of Cincinnati

  • NEUP Project 10-857: Carbide Coatings for Nickel Alloys, Graphite and Carbon/Carbon Composites to be used in Fluoride Salt Valves

    D. Nagle, John Hopkins University

  • NEUP Project 10-862: Three-Dimensional NDE of VHTR Core Components via Simulation-Based Testing

    B. Guzina, University of Minnesota

  • NEUP Project 10-872: Corrosion in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Materials, Environmental Purity, Surface Treatments, and Flow Issues

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 10-875: Failure Predictions for VHTR Core Components Using a Probabilistic Continuum Damage Mechanics Model

    A. Fok, University of Minnesota

  • NEUP Project 10-876: Studies of Deteriorated Heat Transfer in Prismatic Cores Stemming from Irradiation-Induced Geometry Distortion

    B. Williams, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 10-884: Development of a Scanning Microscale Fast Neutron Irradiation Platform for Examining the Correlation Between Local Neutron Damage and Graphite Microstructure

    P. Pinhero, University of Missouri-Columbia

  • NEUP Project 10-888: Microstructure and Property Evolution in Advanced Cladding and Duct Materials Under Long-Term and Elevated Temperature Irradiation: Modeling and Experimental Investigation

    B. Wirth, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 10-905: Heat Transfer Salts for Nuclear Reactor Systems – Chemistry Control, Corrosion Mitigation, and Modeling

    M. Anderson, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 10-915: Monitoring Microstructural Evolution of Alloy 617 with Non-Linear Acoustics for Remaining Useful Life Prediction; Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue and Creep- Ratcheting

    C. Lissenden, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 10-924: Fission Product Transport in TRISO Particle Layers under Operating and Off-Normal Conditions

    A. Van der Ven, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 10-925: Pulsed Magnetic Welding for Advanced Core and Cladding Steels

    G. Cao, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 10-930: Development and Validation of Multidimensional Models of Supercritical CO2 Energy Conversion Systems for Nuclear Power Reactors

    M. Podowski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • NEUP Project 10-941: Consistent Multigroup Theory Enabling Accurate Coarse-Group Simulation of GenIV Reactors

    F. Rahnema, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 10-951: Design, Testing and Modeling of the Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System for AHTRs

    X. Sun, Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 10-959: Development of Thermal Transient Flow Rate Sensors for High Temperature, Irradiation, Corrosive Environment

    Y. Jiang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 10-963: Development of Barrier Layers for the Protection of Candidate Alloys in the VHTR

    C. Levi, University California, Santa Barbara

  • NEUP Project 10-886: Development of an Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Technology for the Next-Generation Nuclear Reactor System Analysis and Safety Margin Characterization Code

    H. Luo, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 10-956: Multiscale Concrete Modeling of Aging Degradation

    Y. Hammi, Mississippi State University

  • NEUP Project 10-677: Irradiation-Accelerated Corrosion of Reactor Core Materials

    Z. Jiao, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 10-679: Understanding the Irradiation Behavior of Zirconium Carbide

    A. Motta, Pennsylvania State University

  • NEUP Project 10-682: Investigation of the Use of Laser Shock Peening for Enhancing Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Nuclear Energy Materials

    V. Vasudevan, University of Cincinnati

  • NEUP Project 10-853: Novel Engineered Refractory Materials for Advanced Reactor Applications

    S. Shannon, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 10-889: Study of the Open Loop and Closed Loop Oscillator Techniques

    G. Imel, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 10-906: Modeling Investigation of the Stability and Irradiation-Induced Evolution of Nanoscale Precipitates in Advanced Structural Materials

    B. Wirth, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

  • NEUP Project 10-918: Precursor Derived Nanostructured Si-C-X Materials for Nuclear Applications

    R. Bordia, University of Washington

  • NEUP Project 10-921: Study of Interfacial Interactions Using Thin Film Surface Modification; Radiation and Oxidation Effects in Materials

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-779: Development of Diffusion Barrier Coatings and Deposition Technologies for Mitigating Fuel Cladding Chemical Interactions (FCCI)

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-780: Thermal Properties of LiCl-KCl Molten Salt for Nuclear Waste Separation

    K. Sridharan, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-782: Computational Design of Advanced Nuclear Fuels

    S. Savrasov, University of California, Davis

  • NEUP Project 09-783: Improvements to Nuclear Data and Its Uncertainties by Theoretical Modeling

    Y. Danon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • NEUP Project 09-786: Advanced Mesh-Enabled Monte Carlo Capability for Multi-Physics Reactor Analysis

    P. Wilson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-787: Ab Initio Enhanced Calphad Modeling of Actinide Rich Nuclear Fuels

    D. Morgan, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-791: Sharp Interface Tracking in Rotating Microflows of Solvent Extraction

    J. Glimm, Stony Brook University

  • NEUP Project 09-795: High-Fidelity Space-Time Adaptive Multiphysics Simulations in Nuclear Engineering

    P. Solin, University of Nevada, Reno

  • NEUP Project 09-800: Thermodynamic Development of Corrosion Rate Modeling in Iron Phosphate Glasses

    M.E. Schlesinger and R.K. Brow, Missouri University of Science and Technology

  • NEUP Project 09-804: Development of Subspace-Based Hybrid Monte Carlo-Deterministic Algorithms for Reactor Physics Calculations

    H. Abdel-Khalik, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-806: Fundamental Understanding of Ambient and High-Temperature Plasticity Phenomena in Structural Materials in Advanced Reactors

    C. Deo, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 09-809: Simulations of the Thermodynamic and Diffusion Properties of Actinide Oxide Fuel Materials

    U. Becker, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 09-811: Heterogeneous Recycling in Fast Reactors

    B. Forget, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 09-814: Bulk Nanostructured FCC Steels with Enhanced Radiation Tolerance

    X. Zhang, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 09-816: Fuel Performance Experiments and Modeling: Fission Gas Bubble Nucleation and Growth in Alloy Nuclear Fuels

    S. McDeavitt, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 09-818: Simulations of Failure via Three-Dimensional Cracking in Fuel Cladding for Advanced Nuclear Fuels

    H. Lu, University of Texas, Dallas

  • NEUP Project 09-820: Quantification of UV-Visible and Laser Spectroscopic Techniques for Materials Accountability and Process Control

    K. Czerwinski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 09-821: Development of Alternative Technetium Waste Forms

    K. Czerwinski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 09-825: Adsorptive Separation and Sequestration of Krypton, I and C14 on Diamond Nanoparticles

    T. Ghosh, University of Missouri-Columbia

  • NEUP Project 09-828: Data Collection Methods for Validation of Advanced Multi-Resolution Fast Reactor Simulations

    A. Tokuhiro, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 09-829: Advanced Elastic/Inelastic Nuclear Data Development Project

    F. Harmon, Idaho State University

  • NEUP Project 09-842: SiC Schottky Diode Detectors for Measurement of Actinide Concentrations from Alpha Activities in Molten Salt Electrolyte

    W. Windl, Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 09-766: Improved LWR Cladding Performance by EPD Surface Modification Technique

    M. Corradini, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-769: Maximum Fuel Utilization in Fast Reactors Without Chemical Reprocessing

    E. Greenspan, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 09-773: Developing a High Thermal Conductivity Fuel with Silicon Carbide Additives

    R. Baney, University of Florida

  • NEUP Project 09-775: Fabrication of Tungsten-Rhenium Cladding Materials via Spark Plasma Sintering for Ultra High Temperature Reactor Applications

    I. Charit, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 09-790: Neutron Damage and MAX Phase Ternary Compounds

    M. Barsoum, Drexel University

  • NEUP Project 09-802: Improved Fission Neutron Data Base for Active Interrogation of Actinides

    S. Pozzi, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 09-805: Ionic Liquid and Supercritical Fluid Hyphenated Techniques for Dissolution and Separation of Lanthanides, Actinides, and Fission Products

    C. Wai, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 09-823: Atomistic Calculations of the Effect of Minor Actinides on Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of UO2±x

    C. Deo, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 09-824: Utilization of Methacrylates and Polymer Matrices for the Synthesis of Ion Specific Resins

    K. Czerwinski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 09-834: Advanced Models of LWR Pressure Vessel Embrittlement for Low Flux-High Fluence Conditions

    G.R. Odette, University of California, Santa Barbara

  • NEUP Project 09-764: An Innovative and Advanced Coupled Neutron Transport and Thermal Hydraulic Method (Tool) for the Design, Analysis and Optimization of VHTR/NGNP Prismatic Reactors

    F. Rahnema, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 09-765: ALD Coatings on Gd2O3 Burnable Poison Nanoparticles and Carbonaceous TRISO Coating Layers

    A. Weimer, University of Colorado, Boulder

  • NEUP Project 09-768: Corrosion and Creep of Candidate Alloys in High Temperature Helium and Steam Environments for the NGNP

    G. Was, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 09-770: Accurate Development of Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Section Libraries

    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-771: Creation of Full-Core HTR Benchmark with the Fort St. Vrain Initial Core and Assessment of Uncertainties in the FSV Fuel Composition and Geometry

    W.R. Martin, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 09-776: Mechanisms Governing the Creep Behavior of High Temperature Alloys for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

    V. Vasudevan, University of Cincinnati

  • NEUP Project 09-777: Liquid Salt Heat Exchanger Technology for VHTR Based Applications

    M. Anderson, University of Wisonsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-778: Materials, Turbomachinery and Heat Exchangers for Supercritical CO2 Systems

    M. Anderson, University of Wisonsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-781: Experimental Studies of NGNP Reactor Cavity Cooling Systems with Water

    M. Corradini, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-784: Investigation of Countercurrent Helium-Air Flows in Air-Ingress Accidents for VHTRs

    X. Sun, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 09-785: Assessment of Embrittlement of VHTR Structural Alloys in Impure Helium Environments

    W. Crone, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-788: Modeling Fission Product Sorption in Graphite Structures

    I. Szlufarska, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • NEUP Project 09-789: Integral and Separate Effects Tests for Thermal Hydraulics Code Validation for Liquid-Salt Cooled Nuclear Reactors

    P. Peterson, University of California, Berkeley

  • NEUP Project 09-794: Irradiation Creep in Graphite

    R. Ubic, Boise State University

  • NEUP Project 09-796: Understanding Creep Mechanisms in Graphite with Experiments, Multiscale Simulations, and Modeling

    J. Eapen, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-798: Verification & Validation of High-Order Short-Characteristics-Based Deterministic Transport Methodology on Unstructured Grids

    Y. Azmy, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-799: Effect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on Creep Rupture Properties of Grade 91 Steel Heavy Section Welds

    L. Li, Utah State University

  • NEUP Project 09-801: Tritium Sequestration in Gen IV NGNP Gas Stream via Proton Conducting Ceramic Pumps

    F. Chen, University of South Carolina

  • NEUP Project 09-803: Identifying and Understanding Environment-Induced Crack Propagation Behavior in Solid Strengthened Ni-Based Superalloys

    L. Ma, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • NEUP Project 09-807: Verification of the CENTRM Module for Adaptation of the SCALE Code to NGNP Prismatic and PBR Core Designs

    B. Ganapol, University of Arizona

  • NEUP Project 09-808: A Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Network for Online 3-D Temperature and Neutron Fluence Mapping in a VHTR Environment

    P. Tsvetkov, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 09-810: Experimental Study and Computational Simulations of Key Pebble Bed Thermomechanics Issues for Design and Safety

    A. Tokuhiro, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 09-812: Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Methods Development for the Calculation of Hot-Spots in the NGNP

    T. Downar, University of Michigan

  • NEUP Project 09-813: TRISO-Coated Fuel Durability Under Extreme Conditions

    I. Reimanis, Colorado School of Mines

  • NEUP Project 09-817: CFD Model Development and Validation for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) Applications

    Y. Hassan, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 09-819: Testing of Performance of Optical Fibers Under Irradiation in Intense Radiation Fields When Subjected to High Temperature

    T. Blue, The Ohio State University

  • NEUP Project 09-822: Optimizing Neutron Thermal Scattering Effects in Very High Temperature Reactors

    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-826: Understanding Fundamental Material Degradation Processes in High Temperature Aggressive Chemomechanical Environments

    J. Stubbins, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • NEUP Project 09-827: Fission Product Sorptivity in Graphite

    R. Tompson, University of Missouri

  • NEUP Project 09-830: Graphite Oxidation Simulation in HTR Accident Conditions

    M. El-Genk, University of New Mexico

  • NEUP Project 09-831: Non-Destructive Thermal Analysis and In Situ Investigation of Creep Mechanism of Graphite and Ceramic Composites Using Phase-Sensitive THz Imaging & Nonlinear Resonant Ultrasonic Spectroscopy

    X. Zhang, University of Rochester

  • NEUP Project 09-832: Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue and Creep-Ratcheting Failures of Grade 91 and Haynes 230 Alloys Toward Addressing Design Issues of Gen IV Nuclear Power Plants

    T. Hassan, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-833: Millimeter-Wave Thermal Analysis Development and Application to GEN IV Reactor Materials

    P. Woskov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • NEUP Project 09-835: Prediction and Monitoring Systems of Creep-Fracture Behavior of 9Cr-1Mo Steels for Reactor Pressure Vessels

    G. Potirniche, University of Idaho

  • NEUP Project 09-838: Modeling Stress Strain Relationships and Predicting Failure Probabilities for Graphite Core Components

    S. Duffy, Cleveland State University

  • NEUP Project 09-840: Investigation on the Core Bypass Flow in a Very High Temperature Reactor

    Y. Hassan, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 09-841: Study of Air Ingress Across the Duct During the Accident Conditions

    Y. Hassan, Texas A&M University

  • NEUP Project 09-843: Microscale Heat Conduction Models and Doppler Feedback

    A. Hawari, North Carolina State University

  • NEUP Project 09-844: Removal of 14C from Irradiated Graphite for Graphite Recycle and Waste Volume Reduction

    M.L. Dunzik-Gougar, Idaho State University

*​​Available final reports can be found at OSTI.gov​​

Final Project Report Preparation Requirements

Final reports and quad charts are required within 90 days after the end date of award and can take the place of a final quarterly report, if the final report includes all required fields from the progress report. 

Please note the PI is required to submit the Final Report to the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (www.osti.gov).

​Although there is no required format or template for the final report, in accordance with the award, final reports shall include the following elements:

  • The final report shall contain a comprehensive summary of all work results and conclusions.  All reports shall fairly and completely describe the efforts applied to and the results obtained toward achievement of objectives of the award.  If an objective is not accomplished, such failure shall be fully documented and explained in the report.
  • Reports shall include the following elements: (a) a brief abstract of the report which describes the overall objectives and results; (b) a full statement of each objective and description of the effort performed and the accomplishments achieved; (c) a list of any publication or information release made of material developed or maintained through the performance of the award; (d) a final quad chart; and (e) any other relevant information.


Send final reports to [email protected] and [email protected]. For examples of complete final project reports, visit the “Final Project Reports” section of the website.


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