Open Competition
Kale Stephenson
Crack Initiation Behavior of Neutron Irradiated Model and Commercial Stainless Steels in High Temperature Water
Daniel Walter
High Fidelity Simulation of Crud Deposition on a PWR Fuel Cell with Spacer Grids over a 500 Day Depletion Cycle
Timothy Ault
Potential Synergy: The Thorium Fuel Cycle and Rare Earths Processing
Matthew Gidden
An Agent-Based Framework for Fuel Cycle Simulation with Recycling
Alexis Kaplan
Accountancy, University of Michigan EJ-309 Pulse Shape Discrimination Performance with a High Gamma-Ray-to-Neutron Ration and Low Threshold
Troy Unruh
In-core Flux Sensor Evaluations at the ATR Critical Facility
Andrew Pavlou
High Fidelity Simulation on Crud Deposition on a PWR Fuel Cell with Spacer Grids over a 500 Day Depletion Cycle
Jonathan Walsh
Accelerated Sampling of the Free Gas Resonance Elastic Scattering Kernel
Carter Abney
Highly Porous and Stable Metal-organic Frameworks for Uranium Extraction
T. Gannon Parker
Ionothermal and Hydrothermal Flux Syntheses of Five New Uranyl Phosphonates
Alex Salazar
Effect of Temperature on Permeability of Cement Sealant for Deep Borehole Repositories
Hilary Emerson
Geochemical Controls of Iodine Uptake and Transport in Savannah River Site Subsurface Sediments
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 20011 R&D Expenditures
Devin Rappleye
A Method for Monitoring Depositions at a Solid Cathode in an Electrorefiner for a Two-Species System Using Electrode Potentials
Danil Smiles
Synthesis of Uranium-Ligand Multiple Bonds by Cleavage of a Trityl Protecting Group
Ammon Williams
Synthesis of Uranium-Lingand Multiple Bonds by Cleavage of a Trityl Protecting Group
Catherine Riddle
Characterization of Bismuthate Oxidized Americium (V, VI) in Acidic Solution using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy
Matthew Swenson
Correlation between the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Irradiated Fe-9Cr ODS
Undergraduate Competition
David Harding
Improving Inert Matrix Fuel Burnup Using a Linear Model
Michael Perlin
Options for a Sustainable MOX Fuel Cycle in PWRs for Rapid Utilization of Recycled Plutonium
Timothy Smith
Comparison of Actinide Production in Traveling Wave and Pressurized Water Reactors