Open Competition
Stephen Raiman
A Facility for Studying Irradiation Accelerated Corrosion in High Temperature Water
Andrew Dykhuis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology HOGNOSE: A New Model for Corrosion in PWRs
Urairisa Phathanapirom
Hedging Against Uncertainty in the Nuclear Fuel Cyle
Andrea Gardiner
Development and Testing of a Decision Framework and Decision Tool for Determining Fuel Cycle Preferences
Devin Rappleye
Simulated Response of Electrochemical Sensors for Monitoring Molten-Salt Fueled Reactors
Matthew Marcath
An Implicit Correlation Method for Cross-Correlation Sampling, with MCNPX-PoliMi Validation
Daniel Griffin
Controlled Crystallization of Salts from Nuclear Waste Solutions
Kimberly Mullane
Anomalous One-electron Processes in the Chemistry of Uranium Nitrogen Multiple Bonds
William Boyd
The OpenMOC Method of Characteristics Neutral Particle Transport Code
Jonathan Wormald
Examination of the Impact of Electron-Phonon Coupling on Fission Enhanced Diffusion in Uranium Dioxide Using Classical Molecular Dynamics
Elizabeth Pedrick
Reductive Silylation of a Uranyl Dibenzoylmethanate Complex: An Example of Controlled Uranyl Oxo Ligand Cleavage
Remy Devoe
COBRA-SFS Dry Cask Modeling Sensitivities in High-Capacity Canisters
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 2012 Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures
Amanda Lewis
Emergence of Californium as the Second Transitional Element in the Actinide Series
Charles Folsom
Experimental Measurement and Numerical Modeling of the Effective Thermal Conductivity
Christopher Morrison
Feasibility Study of Solid Matrix Fuels for Space Power Reactors
Ryan Collette
Automated Characterization of Uranium Molybdenum Fuel Microstructures
Elizabeth Krahn
Probing Ligand Exchange Kinetics in Actinide/Lanthanide Solvent Extraction Systems using NMR Spectrometry
Undergraduate Competition
Samantha Cary
Emergence of Californium as the Second Transitional Element in the Actinide Series