Open Competition
Drew Johnson
Quantitative analysis of Localized Stresses in Irradiated Stainless Steels using High Resolution Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics Modeling
Troy Eckleberry
Reactivity Assessment of Enhanced Accident Tolerant Claddings in Modern PWR
David Frazer
Degradation of HT9 under Simultaneous Ion Beam Irradiation and Liquid Metal Corrosion
Benjamin Magolan
Multiphase Turbulence Mechanisms Identification from Consistent Analysis of Direct Numerical Simulation Data
Cody Dennett
Bridging the Gap to Mesoscale Radiation Materials Science with Transient Grating Spectroscopy
Adam Olsen
Quantifying Morphological Features of α-U3O8 with Image Analysis for Nuclear Forensics
Adam Weltz
Development of a Modular Directional and Spectral Neutron Detection System Using Solid-state Detectors
Mitchell Friend
Hafnium(IV) Complexation with Oxalate at Variable Temperatures
Kevin McCann
Hexavalent Americium Recovery Using Copper(III) Periodate
Jason Richards
Selective Partitioning of Ruthenium from Nitric Acid Media
Anna Baldwin
Tributyl Phosphate Aggregation in the Presence of Metals: An Assessment Using Diffusion NMR Spectroscopy
Dawn Montgomery
The Influence of Citrate and Oxalate on 99TcVII, Cs, NpV and UVI Sorption to a Savannah River Site Soil
Alexander Creely
Validation of Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Simulations of L- and I-Mode Plasmas on Alcator C-Mod
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 2015 R&D Expenditures
Adam Burak
Measurement of Solubility of Metalic Lithium Dissolved in Molten LiCl-Li2O
Alexander Hagen
Detection of Special Nuclear Material in Cargo using Continuous Neutron Interrogation and Tension Metastable Fluid Detectors
Caleb Tatebe
[2π+2π] Cycloaddition of Isocyanates to Uranium(IV) Imido Complexes for the Synthesis of U(IV) K2-Ureato Compounds
Justin Felder
Application of a Mild Hydrothermal Method to the Synthesis of Mixed Transition-metal(II)/Uranium(IV) Fluorides
Patrick Skrodzki
Significance of Ambient Conditions in Uranium Absorption and Emission Features of Laser Ablation Plasmas
Undergraduate Competition
Andrew Boria
137Cs Dosimeter Irradiation Facilities: Calibration Frequency, Precision, and Accuracy
Kyle Beyer
Pulse Shape Discrimination Characterization of Stilbene Detectors with Light Guide Coupling and Silicon Photomultiplier Readout
Michael Hua
Analytic Error Quantification for Generalized Fast-Neutron Multiplicity Counting Equations
Michael Martin
Feasibility of a Breed-and-Burn Molten Salt Reactor
Sarah Abraham
An Efficient, Affordable Optically Stimulated Luminescent (OSL) Annealer