Open Competition
Rigel Hanbury
Oxide Growth and Dissolution on 316L Stainless Steel During Irradiation in High Temperature Water
Jacob Gorton
Reactor Performance and Safety Characteristics of ThN-UN Fuel Concepts in a PWR
Samuel McAlpine
Corrosion of Commercial Alloys in FLiNaK Molten Salt Containing EuF3 and Simulant Fission Product Additives
Garland Porter
Surface Pressure Measurements in a Model Helical Coil Steam Generator Using Pressure Sensitive Paint
Paul Stockett
Nonproliferation in the New Space Age: Where Do We Stand?
Lee Maccarone
Toward a Game-Theoretic Metric for Nuclear Power Plant Security
Daniel Rutstrom
Europium Concentration Effects on Scintillation Properties of Cs4SrI6:Eu and Cs4CaI6:Eu Single Crystals for Use in Gamma Spectroscopy
William Steinberger
Imaging Special Nuclear Material Using a Handheld Dual Particle Imager
James Louis-Jean
Preparation and Characterization of Benzotriazolium Perrhenate
Julia Knapp
Single Crystal Structure and Photocatalytic Behavior of Grafted Uranyl on the Zr-Node of a Pyrene-Based Metal-organic Framework
Selena Staun
Use of 15N NMR Spectroscopy to Probe Covalency in a Thorium Nitride
Nina Colby Fleming
Engineering, North Carolina State University Structure-Dependent Doppler Broadening Using a Generalized Thermal Scattering Law
Sydney Holdampf
Electrophoretic Separations of Lanthanum and Gadolinium for Used Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Samuel Karcher
Oxidation and Anion Lattice Defect Signatures of Hypostoichiometric Lanthanide-doped UO2
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 2018 Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures
Alexa Hanson
Quantifying Impurity Effects on the Surface Morphology of α-U3O8
Alexander Wheeler
Plutonium Diversion Effect on Molten-Salt Reactor Dynamics
Ember Sikorski
First-principles Comparative Study of UN and Zr Corrosion
Mikaela Pyrch
Exploring Crown-Ether Functionalization on the Stabilization of Hexavalent Neptunium
Richard Hernandez
Review of Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux (CHF) and Heater Rod Design for CHF Experiments in TREAT
Undergraduate Competition
Coral Kazaroff
Economic Benefits of Higher Enriched Assays for 24-Month Cycle Length
Jack Thiesen
Preliminary Demonstration of a Method of Radiation Dosimetry using Passive, Integrating LiF:Mg, Ti Thermoluminescent Dosimeters
Jordan Noey
The Effects of Radiation and Emitted Light Transport on the Positional Response of 11 cm x 42.5 cam x 5.5 cm Nal(TI) Detectors
Kaelee Novich
Synthesis of Boron Carbide Reinforced Aluminum Alloys through Mechanical Stir Casting
Kaylee Cunningham
Modeling the IFR-1 Metal Fuel Experiment in Bison through the NEAMS Workbench