Open Competition
Walter Williams
In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Crystallographic Evolution and Thermal Expansion Coefficients in U-22.5 at %Zr During Annealing
Steven Jepeal
Intermediate Energy Proton Irradiation: Rapid, High-Fidelity Materials Testing for Fusion and Fission Energy Systems
Naiki Kaffezakis
High Temperature Ultra-Small Modular Reactor: Pre-Conceptual Design
Bodhi Biswas
Study of Terbulence-Induced Refraction of Lower Hybrid Waves using Synthetic Scrape-Off Layer Filaments
Matthew Durbin
K-Nearest Neighbors Regressions for the Discrimination of Gamma Rays and Neutrons in Organic Scintillators
Jacob Blevins
Enabling Ga2O3's Neutron Detection Capability with Boron Doping and Conversion Layer
Devon Drey
Disorder in Ho2Ti2-xZrxO7: Pyrochlore to Defect Fluorite SOlid Solution Series
Hope Lackey
Reimagining pH Measurement: Utilizing Raman Spectroscopy for Enhanced Accuracy in Phosphoric Acid Systems
Gabriela Picayo
Characterization of the ALSEP Process at Equilibrium: Speciation and Stoichiometry of the Extracted Complex
Osvaldo Ordonez
Synthesis and Characterization of Two Uranyl-Aryl “Ate" Complexes
Logan Breton
Facile Oxide to Chalcogenide Conversion for Actinides Using the Born-Chalcogen Mixture Method
Jordan Stanberry
Oxidative Dissolution of TcO2 by Mn(III) Minerals under Anaerobic Conditions: Implications on Technetium-99 Remediation
Competition for Students Who Attend Universities with Less Than $600 Million in 2019 Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures
Ashwin Rao
Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques to Optimize the Analysis of Plutonium Surrogate Material via a Portable LIBS Device
Dimitris Killinger
Investigation of W, Ag, and Pt Quasi-Reference Electrode Stability in Molten NaCl-CaCl2 with Ce(0)/Ce(III) as an Internal Reference Redox Reaction
Edward Duchnowski
Reactor Performance and Safety Characteristics of Two-Phase Composite Moderator Concepts for Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors
James Foster
Functionalized Polymer Thin Films for Plutonium Capture and Isotopic Screening from Aqueous Sources
Robert Kile
Transformational Challenge Reactor Analysis To Inform Preconceptual Core Design Decisions: Sensitivity study of Transient Analysis in a Hydride-Moderated Microreactor
Undergraduate Competition
Ashley Raster
High Temperature Lead Cooled Fast Reactor for Advanced Drilling
Kaitlyn Barr
Verification of MPACT and VERA-CS for the APR1400 Benchmark
Matthew Weiss
Effect of Natural Gamma Background Radiation on Portal Monitor Radioisotope Unmixing
Mete Bayrak
An Online Neutron Activation Analysis Database (NAADB)
Victoria Davis
Detecting Ionizing Radiation in Space with Memristor Device