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R&D Pre-Applications

R&D Full Applications

Distinguished Early Career Program (DECP)

CINR Infrastructure (GSI & RU)

Integrated Research Projects

University Nuclear Leadership Program (Scholarship & Fellowship)

All FAQs have been incorporated into the Q&A forum. 


​What is the Tracking ID # used in the file names?

Once you have created a new application, scroll down and Save immediately to create the application tracking ID. Scroll back to the top of the page and you will see “Tracking ID: RPA-YEAR-XXXX” This will be the ID# used in naming your files and the number used to return results to applicants. In addition, the same tracking number from the Pre-Application will be carried over to any full application that is submitted.

You must withdraw your submission by scrolling to the bottom and clicking “Withdraw Submission” button. Then, edit your application and resubmit before the deadline. You will not lose any content.

Yes. Reporting is a requirement for all projects and is the responsibility of the lead PI.

The date designation is for the period of performance (e.g., if you have an active project during one of those years).  Therefore, eligibility restrictions are not being enforced on FY 2017 – FY 2019 projects.  

NE maintains a database of university professors and industry and lab researchers who are qualified to evaluate proposals in the technical work scopes. They are assigned proposals based on their areas of expertise. We are always looking for additions to this database! Please send your recommendations to [email protected].

All teaming has to be done by the participants with no federal involvement.  The Nuclear Science and Engineering Sourcebook is a publicly available tool that may be helpful and can be found at neup.inl.gov/documents.

No, it is not. Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) is a Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) initiative. The NEUP Integration Office (also referred to as the Innovative Nuclear Research Integration Office or INR-IO), located in Idaho Falls, administers the program on behalf of NE. The INR-IO is staffed by Idaho National Laboratory employees.​

R&D Pre-Applications

Is a letter signed by our institution's Sponsored Projects Office required for the pre-applications, or can the PI submit the pre-application directly?

That depends on the process your institution follows. It would be best to coordinate with your Office of Sponsored Programs to make sure you follow your own protocol. We do not specifically require them for the Pre-Applications, but a complete and signed SF-424 application form is required for Full Application submissions.​

As a university PI, you may submit up to 6 total Pre-Applications (up to a maximum of 3 as lead PI) for the entire CINR FOA solicitation. For more details, please see the Application Restrictions in Part III Section B of the CINR FOA.

Yes, applicants can submit multiple applications to the same topic area.  The same application cannot be submitted more than once.

An employee with a joint appointment between a university and a DOE national laboratory can apply through the institute of higher education (IHE) if the institution pays his or her salary and provides his or her benefits. 

There are no issues preventing a pre-application from being submitted in this scenario if the university is in concurrence.  The Dean and Department Chair of the University should be informed of the Pre-Application submission plans. ​

National laboratories can only submit proposals as lead principal investigators in NSUF-2 workscopes (Appendix C). They can collaborate with universities for proposals submitted to university-led applications, but cannot receive more than 20% of a project’s overall funding.

The composition of researchers, whether from a single institution or multiple institutions, should be tied to their relevance in accomplishing the scope of work and achieving the outcomes of your proposal. This should also be clearly described in the Pre-Application. The FOA also describes requirements for participation by different types of institutions.

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PIs can only add new collaborators to their full application with the consent of the Contracting Officer. If you need to change a collaborator, please contact the Integration Office at [email protected].

NE does not differentiate between co-PIs and collaborators.  You can indicate that they are a co-PI in the narrative itself, but you should add the individual(s) to the senior/key personnel section in the application form.

To the best of their ability, PIs need to list funding amounts for each individual collaborator, regardless of the collaborator’s affiliation.

Yes, you must include unfunded collaborators in advisory roles or other capacities in which they will make an R&D contribution for your project.  In fact, the identification of all collaborators is required, as either ‘Senior/Key Personnel’ or ‘Other Collaborators and Personnel’. 

A collaborator is an individual who makes a defined, material contribution that is critical to the success of the project and/or contributing to joint publications. Any individual appearing in the project summary, technical narrative, benefit of collaboration, coordination and management plan, or budget documents should be listed directly on the application form. All collaborators must be added to the application form with complete information. Any individuals that do not meet these criteria should not be listed as collaborators on the application.  The applicant must have full consent of all collaborators prior to submitting the application.

This depends on the institution’s rules regarding who can participate.  NEUP does not restrict a post-doc from being a co-PI, unless it is not allowed by the institution.

The CINR FOA does not prohibit post-docs that are working at U.S. institutions from participating.  The designation as co-PI or participation is regulated at the institutional level and would need to be allowed by the institution that is employing the individual.

No, a national laboratory co-PI is not required, nor is any other type of co-PI required.  A project can be led and executed by a single​ faculty member.

No, a national laboratory co-PI is not required, nor is any other type of co-PI required.  A project can be led and executed by a single​ faculty member.

No, university leads do not need to cost share.

The national laboratory PI will not flow-through the university as a sub-award. They will receive funding through DOE directly. The cost of the national laboratory collaborator should be included in the federal request and total funding request for the project.

No. If you are unsure where your proposal should be submitted, please contact [email protected].

A publication list for the lead PI should be included, at a minimum.  A publication list for any co-PI is encouraged, but is not required.  The publication list would be for CINR projects (NEUP, NEET, NSUF).  The list does not need to include any other NE work.​

Evaluation scores are based upon the criteria outlined in the “Application Review Information” section of the FOA. General explanations of the meaning of each review score are provided by the NEUP Integration Office, not the reviewer. These explanations are generic in nature to give a descriptive explanation of the given score in comparison to other scores. Reviewer comments, specific to the proposal, are provided in addition to the evaluation scoring explanation with the intention of helping the PI improve future applications. Applicants should see general scoring criteria explanations and proposal-specific comments in their pre-application scoring and comment summary.

NEUP project funding is allowable for consultants and contractors.

Yes, international collaborations are permitted and encouraged. No international collaborator can be funded by R&D funds.

R&D Full Applications

If our institution decides to contribute cost share, would those funds be on top of the $1,000,000 from DOE or would those funds need to be included in the $1,000,000 total federal request? In other words, can we request $1,000,000 from DOE then contribute $100,000 in cost share making the total project costs $1,100,000?

Yes. The maximum award ceilings identified in the CINR FOA are based on the requested federal funding amount. An applicant may include cost share that results in a total project cost greater than the maximum award ceiling. 

The FWP should be included as a pdf file in the “Budget for DOE/NNSA Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Contractor” section of the online application form. The FWP is due at the time of Full Application submission.

No. It is not possible to shift topic areas after the Pre-Application has been submitted. The PI or the submitter is responsible for placement into the correct topic area at the time of Pre-Application.

Please use the format specified in the FOA with a slight modification to tell them apart. For example, “‘Fiscal Year’ CFA Subaward Budget Michigan.xls” This is the format to follow to show the different subtier budgets.

Yes, DOE may allow for a no-cost time extension (NCE) for up to 12 months on each R&D project. DOE has established as policy that university PIs who request and receive approved no-cost extensions to existing NE R&D projects will be ineligible to be PIs for new project awards while any no-cost extension remains in effect.

Yes. The written authorization requirement is an agreement between a FFRDC contractor and their cognizant contracting officer. National laboratory collaborators should be familiar with this requirement and who they need to contact at DOE to obtain this letter. University PIs are required to obtain a copy of the written authorization and include it in the Full Application.  (The letter does not need to be included in Pre-Applications.) This is applicable for all national laboratory collaborators, even if they are not receiving funds.

If they are not receiving funding, they will need a Letter of Authoizatins but do not need to provide a FWP. 



Yes, reference do count toward page limitations.

Yes, you can subdivide the budget in any way that will be beneficial to the project.  For example, some PIs allocate less funding in Year 1 while they recruit graduate students, etc.

No, the FOA specifically states that the sum total of all funds that go to all national laboratory and industrial partners may not exceed 20% of the total funding request. However, this restriction is not applicable to the NSUF-2 workscopes in Appendix C.​​

Yes, international collaborations are permitted and encouraged. No international collaborator can be funded by R&D funds.  

Distinguished Early Career Program (DECP)

​​It was stated that "applicants must be untenured assistant professors on the tenure track" to be eligible for the Distinguished Early Career Program (DECP). Could you please clarify if this is true at the time of proposal submission or at the time of award?

The PI must be an untenured assistant professor on the tenure track and no more than seven years beyond his/her doctorate at a U.S. academic institution as of the last day of January 2024. The PI must be employed in the eligible position as of the last day of January 2024.​​

Yes, you may submit to multiple agencies but only eligible for one. ​​​

 No co-PIs nor collaborators are allowed.​ ​​​



It is recommended that the focus be on the infrastructure needs and associated schedule and form a short paragraph addressing how the university already has systems and procedures in place. Your contract lead could likely help with wording on quality assurance, research excellence, etc…​

Any project funds going to an FFRDC would be provided directly by DOE to the FFRDC via the FWP process. A Field Work Proposal and DOE Contracting Officer Letter of Authorization will be required to be submitted by the applicant.  In addition, funding provided to an FFRDC by DOE should be included in your total budget (i.e. As part of the $625,000).  Upon successful award negotiation, the funding provided to the University (prime awardee) will be the award amount, minus the FFRDC funding (provided directly by DOE).​​

Only requested documents, as outlined in the FOA, will be made available for review.

Yes, if any other federally funded early career award is accepted, you become ineligible for continued performance under your DECP award and must notify DOE immediately.

​CINR Infrastructure (GSI & RU)

Which university research reactors are eligible to submit reactor upgrade applications?​

The 24 research reactors fueled by DOE-NE are eligible for reactor upgrade awards. A list is provided in the FOA.

Yes, you can add non-funded co-PIs from national laboratories to your proposal. Please be sure to include CVs for all staff providing significant and required expertise on the project. Please note that a Letter of Authorization for DOE/NNSA FFRDCs is required for all National Laboratory participants listed on the application regardless of funding level or tier.

Supporting letters are not requested, nor considered. However, please be sure to include, if proposed, commitment letters from each third party contributing to the cost sharing (required).

Each university can submit one GSI application each cycle.  

Universities must make a 1:1 dollar match for requests above $250,000 for applications under the General Scientific Infrastructure Support area.

There is no restriction on requesting multiple pieces of equipment though applicants should avoid creating a laundry list of unrelated pieces of equipment.

Any single item over $5,000 requires a basis of estimate, catalog price, or vendor quote. This should be provided by the vendor or be publicly published. All quotes or pricing must be attached to the application.  

Building modifications that immediately support the installation and operation of the equipment requested are allowable.

Yes, equipment that significantly improves or expands the research, instruction, training capabilities, or operating capabilities related to NE program missions of the research reactor facility are allowable.

Integrated Research Projects (IRP)

Can international partners participate?

Yes, international collaborations are permitted and encouraged. No international collaborator can be funded with IRP funds.

Webinar Office Hours Video

The requirement is 80% of the total budget request should directly support lead or collaborating partners that are MSIs. An amendment is being processed with the following statement:  

NE is allowing a flexible framework for consortia construction and recognizes several viable and effective models including partnering in a multi-MSI consortia style model, partnering with national laboratories, other institutions of higher education, or industry collaborators. This scope is intended to develop nuclear expertise and capabilities at Minority Serving Institutions. Therefore, 80% of the total budget request should directly support lead or collaborating partners that are MSIs. Other institutions of higher education, national laboratories, or industry may participate in a supporting capacity at no more than 20% of total budget in composite.      

Applications should focus on addressing an important NE mission related topic area with a particular focus on broad student involvement and capacity building to support the next-generation workforce in nuclear energy. ​

Yes, the focus should be on U.S. workforce.

Yes, team participants must be students at a participating U.S. institution or employed at a participating U.S. institution to receive funds as part of any NEUP project.

IRP project durations are dependent on the specific workscope. With approval, projects can only extend for one 12-month no cost time extension​.

Yes, applicants can only lead one IRP project. Individuals can collaborate as a Co-PI or collaborator on multiple IRP projects​.  

Yes, you can submit an IRP application, but potential awards could be impacted for individuals or institutions who have delinquent reporting, including final reports​.

Yes, IRP applicants can only have one active CINR R&D project when they apply for an IRP​.

You may choose to submit a pre-application and then not submit a full application. You may not be awarded a full application and an IRP application at the same time, but you could have a pre-application you submit along with an IRP application then you could make a decision on whether to submit the full application or not​.

Yes, if you submit an IRP proposal, you may be a Co-PI for an R&D proposal. The maximum number of R&D proposals you may serve as a Co-PI is six (6).

University Nuclear Leadership Program (Scholarship & Fellowship)

I read the question concerning eligibility of students not in a nuclear engineering program, and I did not see anything concerning any other majors. My university does not offer nuclear engineering to undergraduate students, and only offers a minor, therefore I declared my major to be in mechanical engineering, hoping later to focus in the nuclear field. Also, I cannot declare this minor so early in my college career, so I was wondering if I was still eligible.

Students pursuing nuclear energy-related disciplines such as nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, health physics, nuclear materials science, radiochemistry, applied nuclear physics, nuclear policy, radiation protection technology, nuclear power technology, nuclear maintenance technology, nuclear engineering technology, computer science, and cybersecurity, etc., are eligible to apply for an UNLP scholarship or fellowship. Please keep in mind that because medical isotopes, fusion, nuclear forensics, or environmental management topics do not fit into the mission of the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, students pursuing studies in these fields are not eligible to apply.

Industry internships are allowed and approved on a case by case basis, as are other internships at DOE, a DOE national laboratory, or other facility approved by DOE.​

If a fellow will have unused Cost of Education funds at the end of each academic year, the student can use those funds for additional UNLP-approved travel, health insurance (for the fellow only), and/or housing (rent only) for during the fellowship tenure. Funds cannot be utilized for other expenses such as utility costs. The university administrator will need to provide a breakdown of the student’s fellowship and how it’s being spent so that the fellow will know what is still available. If, at the end of the three-year fellowship, a student still has remaining funds, then the unused award funding will remain with the university and will be applied to future scholarship or fellowship awards. Unused funds do not distributed to the fellow.


Yes, conditionally. Your chosen university must be able to demonstrate a program or field of study related to nuclear energy and must apply and be approved prior to any transfer of funding. For your school to be added to the approved list, a person designated as a PI at your institution will need to apply to the university Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0002265 on neup.inl.gov. The process takes about six weeks from when the application is received, so it is important that your university submit this as soon as possible. It is preferable that the application on neup.inl.gov be submitted from someone at the school that has the authority to agree to the terms of the FOA and who can administer the awards without charge.

No, the UNLP fellowship does not allow deferments for internships or job opportunities. In this case, it is recommended that the applicant apply for a fellowship in the next application cycle, when he/she will be attending school during the very next fall semester.

No. Unfortunately, due to the complications of approving international travel, we cannot support students traveling internationally on our fellowships.

If an applicant has not completed a full semester of graduate study at the time of submission, the cumulative undergraduate GPA will be used to determine if the applicant has a 3.25 GPA for the undergraduate requirement to apply for the UNLP Fellowship opportunity. If the applicant has completed one or more semesters of graduate study (2 semesters maximum), then both the undergraduate (minimun 3.25 GPA) and graduate cumulative GPA (minimum 3.5 GPA) will be used. They will not be combined and/or averaged. For an applicant to be eligible, they must have a cumulative 3.25 GPA at the undergraduate and a cumulative 3.5 GPA at the graduate levels. GPAs are not rounded for this requirement.

No, GPAs are not rounded in any way. Applicants must have a 3.25 cumulative GPA in undergraduate work, and a 3.5 GPA in graduate work or higher to apply for a fellowship and a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher to apply for a scholarship.

Reference letters need to be submitted by the application deadline in the system by the letter author. Be sure to make direct contact with your reference writers before using the “notify” button in your application in the online application system. You should directly contacat your letter authors so they are aware that a request will be coming their way by email. They can either upload their letters through the link that is provided in the automatic email from the system (once the applicant uses the system to click “notify”) or, if they are having trouble with the system, they can email it to [email protected] and we can upload it on their behalf. It is recommended that students reach out to their references as early as possible to ensure timely receipt. Students may re-notify their reference letter writers by clicking on the “notify” button in their application even after submitting their application, and up until the application due date. No late application materials can be accepted.

If you applied for a fellowship or scholarship last year, then the INR Integration Office should have any applicable transcripts and scores on file; however, just to be sure, please send an email to [email protected] letting us know that you applied last year and are planning to do so again, so we can locate your records and upload them to the new application file. An updated current transcript from the institution currently being attended, is required for the application to be considered complete.

Yes. Legal permanent residents holding a green card are eligible to apply; however, applicants holding a F1 student visa are not eligible to apply for a UNLP scholarship or fellowship.


No. A student must attend the school selected on their application.

Yes, publication charges related to fellowship graduate research are allowable charges on a fellowship award.

Funding from the UNLP program will reside in the Office of Sponsored Programs or the grants/contracts office at the different institutions. The funding will not normally be located in the Financial Aid office.


No, all awards must go through DOE’s competitive award funding process. Any leftover funding from the student leaving will remain at the university for future scholars or fellows who are awarded at the same institution.
If the student is working through 14 days of the last month, they are allowed to be paid for the full last month. If they work less than 14 days, their stipend will be prorated according to the number of days worked.

Yes, the UNLP office is always in need of high quality UNLP Scholar and Fellow photos for publications and brochures. Images from nuclear energy work or research are often appropriate photos used for publications. Please contact our office at [email protected] if you have an opportunity to have some photos taken.

The material covered in the papers should be different for the various conferences.

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NEUP – Nuclear Energy University Program